Epilogue: Alexander Lelièvre-Marceau

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**Picture of  Spencer at the top of the page

Yes, I realize that I say picture when they were gifs. I realized this at practically the beginnings of writing this book, but didn't want to change it, so that's how it's stayed. :)

Authors Note Posted Right after this :) This is a pretty long chapter so enjoy!


{Epilogue} Chapter Twenty Seven: Alexander Lelièvre-Marceau

The burial was short and quick, but still a scent of melancholy swirled heavily through the air. Oliver stayed the farthest back from the group, not knowing what to do, afraid of his own emotions. Yet he forced himself to watch as the mahogany casket was lowered gently into the ground. Tony was first to step up, throwing a handful of dirt on the coffin and then stepping away quickly. Then was Oliver's turn, and he too threw a handful of dirt, casting a lingering glance on the coffin, before merging back in with the small group. After that, surprising everyone, Andrew stepped up. There was a pause, everyone looking around for the one person missing. Finally Shawn stepped up as well, mimicking the others.

Then was Spencer's turn, and she walked up slowly, the metal on her leg shining brightly in the sunlight. She threw a handful of dirt, and gently placed a picture of the entire group on the coffin. She stepped back and stood next to tony, who gripped her hand tightly. Adrianna Bywater was written clearly across the headstone, in a swirling cursive writing. Adri would have hated that, Spencer thought. But the Bywater family, who stood the closest to the grave, had chosen it. Below the name was the dat, 1993-2018, and the epitaph, written in the same font, below that; You stood out like a beacon, a ruby in a sea of diamonds.

Adri's mom came up to them all, "She was very lucky to have you as friends," she murmured, Adri's younger sister, who looked no more than twelve years old, clung to her mom's hand. Adri's dad hadn't shown up to the funeral. He was with his new wife, and new kids, somewhere in Pittsburgh. Slowly the people seemed to fade away, until even the Bywaters left. Oliver walked away soon after, leaving only Shawn, Tony and Spencer. They waited in silence, watching Shawn. After a moment he turned to both of them. "Let's go," was all he stated, walking past them, a wisp of a smile on his face.


Spencer sat on the second roof of the ship, her head leaning on Tony's shoulder. A diamond ring rested on her left hand, which was entwined in his. "Sierra!" someone called from the lower decks. Craning her neck, she found Andrew standing outside his office, tapping his foot. Rolling her eyes she made her way down the steps. "Someone who just arrived has been asking to find you. They're in my office," Spencer looked at him. "They?" Andrew nodded his head. Pushing open the door she was greeted with Jane, sitting on one of the leather chairs in front of Andrew's desk. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the room.

Jane smiled widely at Spencer when she entered. The past six months since they had escaped seemed to have taken a toll on her. There were prominent bags under her eyes. That was when something in her lap started bawling. The something turning out to be a small baby boy. He had wisps of Maxence's brown hair, and Jane's piercing green eyes. After hushing the baby, Jane looked back at Spencer. "Where are the others?" she asked, rising from the chair, the swaddled baby in her arms.

"Above decks," Spencer responded. Jane made to pass the baby to her and Spencer gladly obliged, taking the sleeping infant. He stirred, silently looking up at her with wide eyes, a orange pacifier in his mouth. "He's five weeks old," Jane whispered, as she unfolded a stroller that was leaned up against the wall. Taking back the baby and placing him in the stroller, she gestured to Spencer. "Lead the way,"

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