Chapter 14: Shelbey, Travis, Olive, Shannon and Abri

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Chapter Fourteen - Shelbey, Travis, Olive, Shannon and Abri

The Morning New York Rose

Group of biologists discover source of mutations

By Jonathan Esenweiser

Just two weeks prior Mr. William Hatchet and several men working with him were arrested by the CIA for unauthorized development of a serum that was causing problems in the breeding of several animals all along the Eastern coast of the United States. Mr. Hatchet was also arrested on grounds of kidnapping Adrianna Bywater, a marine biologist working with The Shoreline Research Group. The group had been given permission to work create their own solution, in order to reverse or stop the mutations occurrence. Teaming up with the German and French branches, they were unable to develop a proper antidote, so scrapped the project. Despite that, they were forced to take the serum and barter for Ms. Madison's life. At the head of this rescue was Spencer Evans and Tony Ranger. The rescue attempt was unsuccessful, however the CIA was later notified by two of their agents, who wished for their names not to be disclosed to the public. Andrew Green, the head of the Eastern wing of The Shoreline Research Group later spoke in an interview. "I'm very happy Ms. Evans and Mr. Ranger decided to try and rescue their colleague. I had faith in them all along, and knew that they would do the right thing." Mr. Hatchet was seen in court last Monday, but through video evidence Mr. Ranger had gotten, h was charged with kidnapping and illegal experimenting. Mr. Hatchet is now in jail for a two-hundred million dollar bail. For more on the interview and the mission, turn to page A3

Spencer laughed. Leave it to Andrew to create a sob story. She passed the article to Adri. Other than Andrew's mini soap opera, the article had been right. The CIA had stormed the entire studio, and rescue everyone. Aidan had fled from the scene before anyone could catch him, and after an autopsy was performed, Maxence had been deemed dead. Tony's video idea had apparently been proved useful after all. It was the key to Hatchet being jailed.

Spencer's hand hovered over the several layers of gauze wrapped around her midsection. One bullet had gotten lodged in her chest after all. A small cast had been put around her shoulder, which had gotten dislocated again, and there was a hairline fracture. She had a minor concussion, and sported a bandage around part of her head, on her temple, but was otherwise okay. Tony looked like some sort of Amazonian prince. He had a cast over his leg, which he had insisted on being neon green. On top of that, several of his ribs had been broken, so they had matching torso wraps. The muscle in his shoulder had also torn, so yellow medical tape could be seen around the base of his neck and purple tape was wrapped around his upper arm. He looked like he'd popped out of an Ancient civilizations textbook.

Ironically, Adri looked the best out of all of them. She had an arm in a sling, and her black eye was fading. Several bandages ranged up and down her arms, from vaccines she was given to get rid of the drug. Adri being reunited with Andrew, her uncle consisted of a stiff hug and a "good to have you back", but it was obvious he was more than delighted to have his niece back safe and sound. Oliver and Shawn walked up, Oliver still had a bruise near his eye, and they both embraced several bandages like Adri, but nevertheless they dragged up stools, and they all sat on top of the boat, right above the pavilion. They all chatted amiably and at some point Tony slipped his hand into hers. Spencer didn't protest.

Andrew's cardinal red hair was spotted an hour later and he pointed at her. "Here it comes" Spencer muttered, rising. "He's not going to fire you" Tony said for the millionth time. She followed Andrew out of earshot of the others. "Spencer Evans" Andrew stated. "I-I know" Spencer said quickly.Somehow she couldn't stand the thought of Andrew saying "You're fired." she continued. "I already packed my bags and I'll be out as soon as the doctors clear me-" she was stopped by Andrew, who was clearly perplexed. Then it dawned on him. "I'm not going to fire you" he said, and Spencer released a breath she didn't know she was holding. "I'm actually promoting you to head of the genetics department. Spencer stared at him, astonished and he laughed. "You may have lost two of my boats (Andrew's yacht had been demolished by Nicholas), and gotten us painfully fined for not alerting the CIA but..." he paused. "You brought my niece back."

He gestured to Timothy and the tattoo man, who had been standing almost invisibly off to the side. They shuffled forward, embarrassed. "Timothy will tell you everything you need to know" Andrew said brightly and ambled off. Timothy cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Listen" he started. "I'm sorry sweat-Spencer" he corrected himself. "You know everything there is to know already. Your office is where mine used to be and we um...apologize"-the tattoo man nodded"about our...prejudice against you. You have proved to be a most valuable worker." Timothy gave her a nod and they both shook her hand, before going to a waiting boat.

Spencer got to work immediately, moving all of her stuff out of her cramped cubicle and into the office at the front of the lab.She was in the middle of hanging up her calendar when someone knocked on the doorframe. "Knock Knock" Tony said. "I told you that you wouldn't get fired." he grinned. Spencer rolled her eyes as they set off to the pavilion. Andrew had decided to throw a dinner party to commemorate them all. Give Andrew an excuse to order extravagant food and he'd do it.

The pavilion was filled with the smell of fondue and pizza. Something that should not have gone together but...did. They held hands the entire way there. Adri noticed and smirked. "To Shelbey, Travis, Olive, Shannon and Abri" Andrew said later that night. He held up his fourth glass of...something. A pink cocktail. He swayed slightly to the side. It was a miracle he named all of them. Spencer didn't expect him to get names right even if he was sober.

A few hours later, the last of the people were mingling, most walking back to the bubbles. As Spencer walked back with Tony he asked her something. "Spencer, the CIA confiscated all of the serums. This still doesn't solve the problem of the mutations still being in the water." She nodded. "I know. We'll have to make some sort of plan to figure that out." She disappeared into her room, glancing at herself in the mirror. She looked better from the ghost she had impersonated back in Nassau. She rolled her shoulder, grimacing momentarily.

The bruises on her ribs had healed, but she sat down gingerly, picking up her laptop and researching. Several magazines and newspapers had covered the story. Several reporters had interviewed them, Andrew had forced them to go. He figured that they would get some money as a pity offer, so they were made to act as tearful as possible, the entire interview. Which wasn't that hard, but most of them could mask it well. Especially Spencer.     


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~Ananya Ramesh 


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