Chapter 10: Boat theft

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*Picture of Jane at top of the page

Chapter Ten - Boat theft

It was the night of the very same day when a knock at the door ceased Spencer's rapid pacing. Opening it, she saw Tony standing in the raining. Together, they went to the pavilion. Since the ship rarely actually went anywhere, a lot of boats were tied down to the back. Shawn and Oliver waited for them at the bottom of the stairs, their hair matted down from the heavy rain. "Andrew's gonna know, no matter if we take the catamaran or not." Shawn said, gesturing to the big white boat tethered to the right. "Why?" Tony questioned, but his answer was soon answered. The only other boats were numerous fishing boats and Andrew's yacht. The one Spencer had "stolen" back in The Bahamas. Oliver burst out laughing. Sighing, Spencer walked towards it. Checking the motor, she motioned towards the rest of the group to climb on. The motor started and Oliver yelped. The sound would definitely wake everyone up.'

Trying to steer a boat backwards without knocking over every other boat was pretty hard, especially at night. T got easier though, as searchlights once again flashed in her face, focusing on the group. She heard voices, Andrew's the loudest. She heard his protests as she pulled out, set on a straight course to Maine. She saw his figure as they departed she could've sworn he was laughing. Tony punched the location into the GPS, and they turned north. It had been about eleven o'clock when they had left, and Spencer had been at the wheel the entire time.

Now as dawn of day three broke, her eyes burned from the sudden sunlight. Shawn had to tap her shoulder repeatedly to get her to even realize he was there, and her hands ached after she managed to pry them off the wheel. This boat being considerably large, each member of the group had made their own "section" of the boat. Oliver had taken toilet paper and marked out a large pentagon in the middle of the room. Shawn had taken pencils and made a fence on the left side, while Tony appeared to have laid out socks in rectangle on the right. Rolling her eyes, she lay her backpack behind Oliver's pentagon. She sat down, leaning against the wall, and took the vial containing the serum out of her pack. It was small, a capsule with enough too fill a thimble. She twirled it in her hand. It was an almost clear liquid, that had a faint tint of purple or blue, depending on what angle you look at it from. She twirled it over and over in her hands. The vial had a few bubbles that rose to the top of the vial, but never popped. Slipping the vial back in her backpack, she leaned against the backpack as a pillow, and dozed off.

She woke up to a BOOM. She got up, hurrying up the stairs to find Oliver and Tony leaning over the front of the boat. Shawn was digging through a box, hurriedly searching for something. Joining Oliver and Tony, she leaned over the helm and found a bunch of rocks. It had turned nighttime again, and it looked like a big mass, that were blocking the boat from going further. Shawn joined them, a huge flashlight in his hands. He aimed it towards the rocks and Spencer's breath hitched.

It wasn't a bunch of rocks at all. It was more mutations. They were veen more hideous and grotesque than the first ones. There was an orange gunk pouring out of several of their bodies. A group of fish had spikes sticking out of them, and pieces of coral looked like they were growing out of several of the creatures. "We're close" Tony murmured and she nodded. "We only have two days left" Oliver pointed out, Spencer pursed her lips. "Give her some space" she heard Tony whispered, and all three of them went below deck. The silence was deafening, but she was grateful for the silence. It was just her and the moon.

A few seconds passed before she stepped back behind the wheel. Pulling the boat in full reverse, she whirled the boat into a turn, and continued on North, maintaining 45 knots. Which, was pretty fast for a yacht. A blind rage consumed her, and she gripped the wheel tighter. It was a three hundred and fifty mile journey. Forty miles to go. Spencer refused to let anyone else steer. She was determined to get herself there before the next day.

They made it there, it was still night. Docking the boat, she marched under, to find all of them sitting quietly. Tony silently handed her her jacket and backpack. They then all set out. "It's dark, we'll never be able to find any-" Oliver shut up when Spencer glanced at him. No one disturbed her after. It was midnight, possibly even later. They walked silently down the boardwalk. Few people milled around; a young couple, a group of college students; a girl walking her dog. The quiet roared in her ears.

They stopped at a closed burger joint. Street lights illuminated the now deserted path. "What are we even looking for?" Tony demanded, his voice a hushed whisper. "They didn't tell you anything?"there was a hint of desperation in his voice. "We're not gonna find her" Shawn said shaking his head. "We're not gonna find her." Spencer spun around. "Shut up." she snarled. "Spencer" she turned back around to face Tony again. "Shawn has a point." he said slowly. "We need a sign! Some sort of hint."

"Then you better be happy I showed up" was the last thing Spencer heard. A pain flared in her shoulder, a dull sensation instantaneously spread and her eyes closed. 

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