Chapter 9: "doei voor nu"

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*Picture of Spencer at top of the page

Chapter Nine - "doei voor nu"

The next day Tony found Spencer sitting quietly at her cubicle, twirling a pencil in her hand. "Your assistance is required." Spencer spun around in her chair to find Tony leaning against the entry of her cubicle, just like before. Getting up and following him out the door, she found a man and a woman standing in front of the pavilion, both dressed in formal attire. Spencer felt herself straighten in posture as she neared the two. "Spencer, this is Asia and Michael" Tony said, gesturing to the woman and the man. They both smiled politely, the man extending his hand for her to shake.

"I understand that the reason we are here is because a certain Tony Ranger has asked us to identify the location of a caller that has imposed a threat on your organization, by compromising one of the lives of your co-workers." The woman stated Her calculating hazel eyes seemed to weight Spencer down. Spencer swallowed and nodded. "We have also been informed that if it is in our area of expertise, we should run a voice analyzer, to see if the voice is identifiable in our files." Michael said, looking between Spencer and Tony. "Yeah" Tony said. "Do you need a lab, or an office?" he looked confused. "An office is fine" Asia replied in a clipped tone. "Right this way" Spencer said, leading them to the two spare offices by Andrew's 'thinking room'. He just played Candy Crushfor hours, but no one really cared. As she held the door open for them Tony muttered "divas" before walking through the door. Spencer hid a smile.

Michael opened a briefcase she hadn't noticed he was holding. He brought out a black laptop, with CIA written in white lettering. Typing a few things in, it was dead silent for at least a half hour. Spencer and Tony stood awkwardly at the doorway, Tony kept crossing and uncrossing his arms. The sound of the call being played made them all jump. Finally Michael looked up. "The location is Eastport, Maine" he said. "This will make it easier for you, since it's right on the coast. We would have to contact some of the heads at the CIA to get an exact location." Tony nodded. You could almost see the gears whirring in his head. "Are you sure?" he asked. Asia scoffed "we are the CIA" she said, a hint of disdain in his voice. "Right", Tony nodded, but he wasn't satisfied.

"As for the identity of the person, our voice detector was unable to identify." Asia informed. "Okay" Spencer managed a quick smile. Asia frowned at her, before packing up the laptop.

"Are you sure you don't want us to step in?" Michael questioned. There was a hint of worry in his eyes. "That would only put her in more danger" Spencer reasoned. He nodded "doei voor nu" he called as he walked out the door with Asia. "Tot ziens" Spencer called out absentmindedly. She heard him laugh down the hallway. "You two...know each other?" Tony shoved his hands in his pockets. Spencer nodded.

"Yeah, we were classmates in our high-school Dutch course."

"Seems like you were pretty close."

"It was a class of ten people, teacher included. There were only so many people you could befriend."

"How'd you know he was working in the CIA?"

Spencer looked at him. "I'd assume he would tell me, considering I was the one who landed him the job."

Tony stared at her. Spencer stared right back. There was a knock at the door, Shawn looked at them both. "Sorry for interrupting your...staring contest." his face turned crimson, "But Andrew wants to see you in his office." he pointed at Spencer, then hurriedly left. Rolling her eyes, she walked out the door to Andrew's "thinking room". Reaching, she found Andrew behind his desk, absentmindedly staring at a Newton's Cradle. He only noticed her after fourty clicks had passed. "Shelbey!" he exclaimed. "Wonderful. I have arranged for a catamaran to take a group as far to Eastport as it can." Spencer stared at him. "I know all about the CIA agents Spencer" Andrew said wryly. "I was the one that let them in."

Spencer nodded, embarrassed. "I am allowing four people to go." Andrew continued. "I have decided that Amelia and Shawn will go, along with two members from the French wing." Spencer nodded again, before realizing the maximum number had already been reached. "B-but I have to go!" she blurted out. Sighing, Andrew returned his gaze to the Newton's cradle. "I cannot have you go. Due to your relationship with Ms. Bywaters you might put the serum in more danger." Spencer was about ready to explode now. "The serum?!" she scoffed. "That's what this has been about? You never even cared about Adri making it back did you-" she was cut off by Andrew's yell. "OF COURSE I DO!" Andrew roared, standing up abruptly. "She's my niece, you think I don't want what's best for her. Think again." Spencer was so surprised she didn't notice the growing group of people standing outside the door, having heard Andrew's outburst. Taking a shaky breath she spoke. "She is the one of the few people that have understood me during all my time on this hellish boat." she was surprised at how quiet her voice was. "And I will get to her, regardless of if you want me to, or not." Andrew opened his mouth to say something, but closed it as quickly. She strode out of his office, and the other employees silently let her through.

She had no idea what to do, so she went to the Genetics wing, busying herself with more graphs and charts. However when Tony found her, she was staring at the audio waves from the phone call. Just following the waves as they went up and down. "Andrew said no" he stated. Spencer just nodded. She turned around to face Tony. His expression was indifferent. He wasn't stressing out or anything, he just shrugged. "It's not like he has a twenty-four hour guard to prevent you from going. And he didn't take away the other boats..." he spread his arms out. "So, why are you just sitting there?"

Spencer's frown slowly turned into turned into a grin so wide she thought her face would tear. 


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~Ananya Ramesh


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