Chapter 11: "There's a snake on your right"

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*Picture of Shawn at the top of the page

Chapter Eleven - "There's a snake on your right"

"Wake up" someone kicked her leg. Groaning, Spencer slowly opened her eyes to find herself on the a wood floor. There were several water stains over the floorboards, and they had been stapled down in an uneven fashion. Some overlapped others and nails were scattered everywhere. Someone kicked her leg again, more forcefully and as her eyes adjusted, she saw a tall figure. Sitting up and wincing as her shoulder developed pain again. That would be a nuisance. Someone's agonized voice spoke "where are we?" from behind her. Gasping as she tried to turn, she found Oliver and Tony, leaning against the peeling walls. Shawn was still out cold, sprawled on the floor next to them. A trickle of blood dripped from his temple. "Wake up!" the same man said, kicking Shawn in the side. He moaned, clutching his said. "Don' that" she mumbled. The man (she assumed it was a man by his voice) knelt next to her. "And why not?" he questioned. "You came all this way, from New York to find us didn't you? Damn boy won't even get up. And you-you can't even sting a sentence together. Better wake up." Spencer must have slurred something else incoherent, because the man made an aggravated sound. She glimpsed Tony's alarmed face as he yelled something she couldn't hear. She felt like she was hearing things from miles away. Suddenly, her shoulder started to pain much, much worse. Someone screamed, probably her.

The effects of the drug seemed to fade away much faster, her eyes widened as she gasped in agony. She forced herself to look at her shoulder, even though it hurt her more. It looked like her collar bone was sticking out, her shoulder was underneath her collar bone. He'd dislocated her shoulder. In one movement, he'd completely popped her shoulder out. Groaning again she squeezed her eyes shut. Her shoulder felt like it was on fire. It seemed like people were constantly poking her shoulder with needles. Miraculously, she still heard the man's voice. He was still staying something, "The girl is here" the man said. He had an accent she couldn't place. It seemed....Jamaican. The man paced up and down. "The director will be here soon. You must never look him in the eye, and only respond when he asks you questions. Never question him, never anger him. If you do, you will be sorry." he said it so gleefully her blood turned cold. He left, and the sound of several locks being closed echoed. Almost instantly, she glimpsed Tony's face. He scanned her shoulder then looked at her. "There's a snake on your right" he said. Spencer immediately forgot about her pain, and turned her head instantly to be faced with.....nothing. There was a pop and the pain in her shoulder stopped. She turned to look at him, her eyes as big as saucers. He spread his hands "No snake, no pain." Her eye got bigger when she realized that the pain was indeed gone. He'd popped her shoulder back in place. "I don't like you" she stated, he shook his head. "Also, don't hyperextend your arm." he paseud. "I know you'll do it regardless, so.." he fished gauze out of his back and wrapped her shoulder. The man hadn't taken his backpack. Stupid.

However Spencer realized. He'd taken hers. "Crap" she got up despite Tony's protests. "Crap crap crap" she spun around in a circle. Yup, her jacket and pack had been taken. "They have the serum" she said, panic etched in her voice. "What would they still want with us then?" Oliver inquired. "That's the big question" she responded. She looked at Tony. "How'd they not get your backpack?"

"I sat on it."

"Uughhh" Shawn was awake. "Wah 'appen?" he babbled, just as the man came back in. "The Director wishes to see you at headquarters." he sneered. A man came into the room and grabbed Tony and Oliver by the shoulders, forcefully steering them out the door. He then grabbed Spencer and Shawn, who stumbled to his feet. They were pushed into the back of a truck. Like, a big eighteen wheeler. Another man was in the driver's seat and he protested as they opened the back of the truck and shoved Shawn and her in. Four adults being carted in a truck unwillingly like children. Pathetic. But, it was the only way for them to get to Adri.

The driver began shouting loudly in some language. Italian maybe. There was a loud bang and the shouting stopped. They had a gun. Oh my god. Absolute terror washed through her. Her expression was mirrored in Shawn's face. Oliver had his head in his hands and Tony stared blankly at the wall. She leaned against the wall next to him, and after a moment's hesitation rested her head on his shoulder. "Do you think they actually have her?" she asked, her voice a raspy whisper. There was a paused before he responded. "Yes" with finality. It was so convincing that she nearly believes it. Nearly.

There was a sniffle. Oliver's eyes were red and glistening. He hastily wiped his eyes n the hem of his shirt, and leaned against the inside of the truck, closing his eyes. Shawn copied Tony, both of them staring silently at the opposite end. They were all silent as the truck rumbled, bringing them to a location that would raise their hopes or dash them all. 

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