Chapter 6: The Mystery Death Note

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Gif of Aidan and Maxence Marceau

Chapter Six - The deathly mystery note

Calling the police, the group was forced to move on, still shocked. After a little while of walking, -Oliver leading the group, Jane bringing up the rear-Shawn spoke. "Who do you think did it?" he asked quietly. The group was silent for a long time, before Jane answered. "Maybe a gang fight? A broken deal?" she supplied, mulling it over. Then a voice no one had heard before responded, making everyone stop. Adri bumped into Shawn, who bumped into Oliver.

"No" Maxence said, speaking for the first time. There was a pause before another unknown voice spoke. "It's much, much more than that" Aidan continued, his expression wary and distant. Spencer turned around. Shawn and Oliver had matching surprised expressions evident on their faces. Stifling a grin, Spencer turned back. Pulling out a map (she assumed a signal would be poor or non-existent) she studied it for a few seconds. "Jane, what direction are we in?" she inquired, her eyes still trained on the map. "South-West" came a reply a few seconds later. "Okay" Spencer spun around, and started walking, hearing the others footsteps behind her.

The sound of cars and crowded streets was soon heard, and ten minutes later they were in a marketplace. Quickly snagging a jeep, and tossing a wad of cash to the renter, they drove back to the docks, which was five hours on it's own. It was nightfall by the time they got to the boat, and, deciding to cast off in the morning, they brought all the supplies on board, staying in the boat until sunrise. "We should have rented out a hotel" Adri grumbled, as they waved goodbye to Jane and the twins. Shawn turned around, "no one will have rooms open at ten pm, Adri" he stated, before climbing down, the others following suit. When Spencer reached the last step, the others had gone silent. A note had been taped to the mini-fridge.

Leave this project immediately. Leave The Bahamas. If you proceed then you will be harmed further.

"Who is it by?' Oliver asked. "Further?" Shawn questioned, using a tissue to flip the note over, and check any other signs that might have been left. She shook her head, "I don't know." Adri put on a pair of gloves, " But we shouldn't touch anything that could have been drugged or poisoned in here" she informed, opening the fridge door. Pulling out some old cheese packets, and a yogurt container, they found a timer, attached to a little capsule.

Before Spencer could even process what happened, the bomb exploded. Someone screamed. Spencer was almost immediately pulled under the water, salt water stinging at her eyes. Kicking her legs as hard as she could, she struggled to make it to the surface. She barely had a chance to take a breath when a metal rod, most likely from the railing of the boat, pulled her under again. The pole had caught a strap of her backpack. Desperately tugging at the backpack, she kicked furiously, finally surfacing, gasping heavily. Treading water with the depleting amount of energy she had left, she scanned the water frantically. Parts of the boat were still on the surface, veiled with flames. Shawn's head surfaced moments later, Adri appearing seconds later. Oliver appeared after what felt like hours, Jane in his arms. She was conscious, but just barely. "Spencer! Spencer!" Aidan yelled. Trying her best to turned around in the water, she found Aidan, his blonde hair matted to his head. But no Maxence.

Maxence, oh god. She barely hesitated, before diving back under, hearing Jane yell was she kicked rapidly, her head once again under the salty waves. Her lungs began screaming again for air, her brain screaming that she was insane. She forced her eyes open, and they stung almost immediately at contact with the water. Her blurred vision soon became even more blurred. She scanned the water, trying to kick deeper, but she knew it was impossible. She kept scanning for the familiar brown hair. After what seemed like countless hours, she saw him. Maxence. Finding a new energy in her, adrenaline coursing swiftly through her veins, she went farther under, deeper and deeper, faster and faster. She stretched out her hand as far as it would go. He was still conscious but sinking fast. He saw her, reaching his hand out to her, trying to grasp it.

It all happened to fast. The remnants of the boat sank, a big wire grabbing him around the waist, and pulling him farther and farther away from her outstretched hand. Their hands had barely clasped before he was dragged away. She could see the hope in his eyes, through the blurriness. They changed to pure fear to quickly. His mouth opened, in a silent scream. Run he mouthed, small air bubbles released from his mouth. The darkness swallowed him up, almost instantaneously. His blonde hair gulped down by the darkness. A pair of hands grabbed her under the arms, pulling her to the surface. She was met with Adri's brown eyes, looking as hopeless as she felt.


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