Chapter 21 - When the seasons hit puberty

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**Picture of Spencer at the top. The chapter title was too long again, so the actual title is below. 

Chapter Twenty One - "If the seasons hit puberty, it would be during the transition from fall to winter."

The argument immediately stopped. Everyone turned to look at him. "It didn't work." Aidan explained hurriedly. Obviously" he added, gesturing to himself. He looked the same, same lean figure and wide shoulders. "But-" he turned his head, and Spencer could make out the veins on the side of his neck "-it was not pleasant." They had a sort of orangish color to them. Not the normal blue-purple hue most people had. Aidan sighed. "I'm stuck with this for life though. I-I don't really remember much. I remember them putting in s-some sort of...IV I think. But it had some sort o-of weird liquid in it. I-I know for sure that it wasn't the typical substance." He stuttered out quietly, before sinking back into the chair. "I'm not cooking today." Shawn said randomly. Tony nodded. "I'll grab something from Pete's."

The room was quiet once more. Oliver and Shawn shifted uncomfortably. Adri kept crossing and uncrossing her legs. Tony, he kept staring at the hardwood. Spencer stood up from her chair suddenly. She looked at Aidan, who's sullen figure looked right back.

"Can I talk to you outside?"

He nodded, getting up. "Yeah."

Spencer smiled, as he hooked his arm with hers and they walked out the door. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tony shift restlessly from his spot on the couch.

The summer days were ending, as Aidan and Spencer wove their ways through the crowds. If the seasons hit puberty, it would be during the transition from fall to winter. You had men and women dressed in tank tops and shorts, along with others dressed in overcoats, woollen gloves and thick scarves. Everyone was freezing or sweating immensely. Spencer and Aidan made their way through Armstrong park. After a long time she spoke.

"Do you know where the building was? Where they...did it?"

"Yeah. But I'm not stepping foot in that place ever again."


They continued the rest of their walk, before reaching the apartment. Spencer made to go to their apartment, when Aidan spoke. "Hey Spencer?" he called out.

Spencer turned, "yeah?" Aidan smiled slightly.

"Thanks for not treating me differently. Even if we didn't talk that much." he grinned.

Spencer smiled back, a bit confused. "Why would I? You are still Aidan. You're just...a little different." she decided.

Before Spencer could react, Aidan stepped towards her and hugged her. He smelled faintly of lemons. "We're all a little bit different now, Spencer." he said wryly, before going into the apartment. But she knew he was thinking of Maxence. She wondered about Jane. She'd gone up to Andrew's office to talk, and had apparently just left. Most likely back to France. Spencer dismissed the thought. Jane was probably fine. And with that she went into her apartment as well, not knowing a certain someone had been coming up the stairs with grocery bags from Pete's, and had witnessed the entire thing.

However, just as she switched the coffee maker on, Aidan and Oliver came in. "We're gonna go find the facility tomorrow." Aidan informed her. Nodding, Spencer looked at Oliver. "You wanna come?" Oliver grinned. "We'd be complete assholes to refuse." Aidan smirked, clapping Oliver on the back. They walked out soon after.

The next morning the entire group trooped through the city to a car rental store, where everyone pooled their money together (mostly Shawn and Spencer) and rented out a black Dodge Durango for a week. It was then that everyone realized they had packed absolutely nothing for the trip. So, with Spencer driving, the entire group went back to the apartment complex.

"I'll watch the car" Adri told Spencer. "Just pack something for me." Rolling her eyes, Spencer nodded, going up the stairs to their apartment. Grabbing her bag she put the bare essentials in, food, clothes and cash. Doing the same with one of Adri's duffle bags, she made her way back to the dodge. Climbing into the front seat next to Adri, she handed her the bags. "Aidan will probably drive." she told Adri. Making a face, Adri got up, climbing towards the passenger rows with the duffle bags. A few minutes later the boys all came out the door. But Aidan got in next to Adri. When he noticed Spencer's confused look, he explained. "I can't drive back there." he explained, embarrassed. But Spencer understood. Instead, Tony climbed into the driver seat. "We can't risk them knowing we're coming" Shawn pointed out, as Tony reached for the GPS. Aidan nodded. "I'll just direct you there. If I can remember."

Adri scoffed. She turned to Aidan. "Do you know any building nearby?" she asked."There was a shop that sold sea glass and gave tarot readings." he confessed. Adri shook her head. "If there's a chance they track us, they'll know we're trying to get to them. Who in their right mind would go there otherwise? Too suspicious." Oliver looked surprised. "How do you know this stuff?" he asked. Adri shrugged. "I read a lot of books."

"There was a pub. Alejandro's pub, I think." Adri nodded. Tony typing in the name. The location popped up within seconds and he reversed the car, speeding off and getting stuck in the Chicago traffic almost immediately. 

*************************************************************************************** This chapter is pretty short, I'm sorry, but the next chapter was a lot longer. This is more of a filler chapter.

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