Chapter 18 - Tony becomes pigeon food

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**Picture of Spencer at top of the page

Chapter Eighteen - Tony becomes pigeon food

Spencer unlocked the door to find the extraordinary sigh of Adri reading a book. Fake. She still would not have believed Adri was actually reading, even if the book hadn't been upside down, and Adri's eyes had not been closed. Spencer tossed her bag down next to the slumbering blonde and she woke with a start, her choppy hair in a wild hairdo. She looked at Spencer accusingly, but Spencer pretended not to see. She placed newly bought dishes in the cupboards, and cutlery in the drawers. The rest she would leave to Adri.

"I am in need of more interesting company" Adri announced, five minutes later, flouncing out of the room. Spencer scowled but reluctantly followed her, as Adri knocked on the door to the boy's apartment.

They later discovered that Shawn apparently, could actually cook. Since none of the others could whip up more than ready made mac 'n cheese, it was decided that dinner would be held in their apartment everyday at about seven o'clock. As spaghetti boiled in a cooking pot, the rest of the group, except for Shawn sat around the boy's circular dining table. "I honestly don't think that Andrew thought this one through" Oliver started. "I mean, nothing has happened, and there is no proof that there are other branches or groups of Hatchet's organization. I think that we should just go back to our original plans of staying at places near the boat, or go to our parents homes."

Tony glanced at Spencer, who pretended not to notice. "Let's give it a week" Adri suggested, which received agreement from the group. "One week then, starting from this day." Spencer decided. There were murmurs of approval, just as Shawn set out the food. "Spencer" she turned around to find Tony. "Can we take a walk?"

One of Spencer's favorite things growing up in the city, was seeing it at night. It looked more interesting and mysterious. When she was younger she used to pretend she was a secret agent, on walks with her parents. The shadows would become monsters, but Spencer wouldn't be scared. She would pretend she was a knight with her sister, vanquishing all the evil one by one. Her mom would play along and together they uncovered bandits, corrupt billionaires, secret cults and drug lords. At the time, it seemed like a perfectly proper game fit for a ten year old. Now as they walked through Armstrong Park, the feeling of adventure came to life again. Tony kept crossing and uncrossing his arms, raking his fingers through his hair. Suddenly Spencer stopped. Toy turned around to look at her. "What?" he asked, spreading his arms out. Spencer smiled wryly, coming to the conclusion Tony was desperately trying to hide from her. "You talked to my mother didn't you?"

Tony scratched the back of his neck, trying to find an answer, but he was beaten. He meekly nodded and she smirked. "May I ask why?" she questioned as she started walking again at a brisk pace. Tony jogged to catch up. "You told me about how your parents were disappointed in you because you didn't go to an Ivy league school and I think that's preposterous because..." Spencer could see the apartment building from where they were at. There was a woman standing at the bus stop, throwing seeds to the few pigeons remaining. "Your an phenomenal person." Tony started again. "I-I mean your amazing at your job. You're able to put up with everyone on the boat and you speak your mind. You don't let anyone define you-" Tony was cut off again. Only this time it was because Spencer kissed him. She pulled away really quickly, trying to hide her flustered face. Shr suhed off towards the apartment.

Tony probably would've stood there for the rest of the day, flabbergasted, if the woman hadn't cackled and thrown seeds at him. The pigeons inched closer.

Spencer hurried back to the apartment, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. "Idiot, idiot, idiot" she mumbled, closing the door loudly behind her. Adri was sitting at the kitchen table with Shawn, a huge stack of papers in front of btoh of them, a red pen in her mouth, a black pen behind Shawn's ear. Adri's lime green glasses sat pushed up on her forehead. "Forms tah fill out, jus' to leth ush keep the 'partment" she explained around the pen. Spencer rolled her eyes at her poor English, but Adri must have realized something was wrong. She raised her eyebrow at Spencer expectantly. "Tony and I just took a walk" she shrugged, turning her back on them so they wouldn't see her red face. She poured herself a glass of water. However, the pink pigment had not yet left her face, as she turned back around to face them. Adri noticed it immediately. "You k-kissed" her face lighted up and Spencer braced herself for a high pitched squeal. Instead Adri analyzed her. "Who kissed who?"

Spencer groaned and slumped down on the kitchen table, the answer loud and clear from her actions. Adri put her head in her hands, while Shawn slowly smiled triumphantly. When Spencer lifted her head, she saw Adri wordlessly pass a twenty dollar bill to Shawn's waiting hand. "Your both horrible people" she declared, gesturing at them with her glass before proceeding to stomp away to her room like a child, more mad at herself than their bet.

Spencer flopped down on the bed, face first. I'm an idiot. She thought. We had such a nice trusting friendship. Guess that's over. She rolled over, pulling the covers over her, and fell asleep to Adri and Shawn arguing about taxes.

6 days until our decision to stay or seperate was Spencer's first thought when she rolled out of bed the next morning. Adri wasn't in the apartment, so Spencer picked up a muffin, walking over to their apartment. Adri and Tony were having a staring contest, Oliver was reading a book, and Shawn was shaving. Spencer walked to the kitchen, when she heard a voice. "Spencer we need to talk" Tony said, his eyes pleading. Spencer leaned against the refrigerator, waiting for him to start. However, his eyes drifted a few inches to her right. Spencer turned around to find a note, very much like the one on the boat in Nassau.

Do not look further into the mutations problem. You will be punished.

The handwriting bore a scary resemblance to the writing on the last note. Which, was ridiculous, since Nicholas was dead. However, they had said nothing about Nicholas writing the note. "Will there be a bomb like Nassau?" Tony questioned. Adri had filled him in on everything that happened on that trip. Spencer shook her head. "They wouldn't be that open about it." It would cause too much attention, especially in a city as big as Chicago. But nevertheless, she opened the fridge to make sure, and found nothing suspicious. Taking a tissue just to be safe, she took the note off the fridge, and the pair made their way into the main room, where everyone was talking.

"Well" Oliver started, once they had explained everything. "This guy is obsessed with fridges."

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