Chapter 1: "You're Fired"

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*Picture of Spencer at the top

The scent of a fresh ocean breeze filled the ship, bringing a blissful atmosphere with it. All among the first and second deck, biologists, divers, navigators and fishermen mingled, sipping small shots. Fairy lights decorated the third deck, where the captain's headquarters were, and even from here, Spencer could see Andrew, who was staring moodily at the sound system.

"Spencer!" she glanced back at the sound of her voice, Spencer saw Shawn, waving her over. As she approached, Spencer saw what he was so happy about, a net full of fish had been brought on deck. They had been waiting for a catch for weeks. The genetics department was tearing their hair out with no new species to analyze. Following Shawn to the lower deck, she was met with Oliver. A stocky blonde man with a nose ring, who belonged on the beach, not cooped up in a boat in the New York harbor. Oliver was giggling gleefully, as they neared the net. The fishermen opened the bundle of wriggling blue fish. "Bluefin Tuna" was murmured by some. Peering closely at the fish, their smiles turned into confused expressions. As Spencer got closer, her pleasant smile too, turned to a frown. What were supposedly 'bluefin tuna' looked more like something from the Ice Age. They were blue, but with spots of brown fur over their bellies, and there were random.....teeth? That were, sticking out of their fins, in random places. They weren't the teeth of a fish either, they were long canines, like that of a wolf? The fish also had, what looked like cataracts over their eyes. That alone, would have been fine, but instead of a milky film over their eyes, like a cataract should be, there was a orange screen, over the eyes instead.

"Looks like the Loch Ness Monster and The Kraken had a baby" someone muttered next to her, and Shawn, on her left, nodded his head in agreement. Murmurs erupted, everyone looking at everyone. Eric, a guy in the DNA analyzing department on the ship, stupidly reached out to touch one of them, recoiling immediately as a large ZAP erupted from the pile. Red welts showed up almost immediately up and down his arm. He cried out as he was ushered to the hospital ward by a paramedic.

"Out of my way! Excuse me! Move!" was heard as Andrew shoved his way through the group, and surveyed the mess himself. His bright red hair contrasted that of everyone else's blonde and brunette heads so much, that you could see him coming from yards away. (Which helped a lot, considering he didn't know that Shawn and Oliver had used some of the boat funds to buy a popcorn machine below decks. Oh well.)

Andrew's bright red box frame glasses slid down his nose, so far that if he leaned forward one more inch, they would fall right off. He glanced at the fish, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Slipping a radio out of his pocket, he walked away, mumbling something into the speaker.

The crew shifted uncomfortably, a couple were walking towards the computers room, undoubtedly to research the monstrosities in the net. "Hey...uh...Shelley!" she heard a voice come from behind her, and saw Andrew, waddling towards her at a brisk pace.

He appeared in front of her a few moments later, his face blotchy and red. "You're-you're f-fired" he wheezed out, but she heard him perfectly. "I'm what?" she asked him again, hoping he had said something else. "You're fired" he said again, this time with certainty. Cocking an eyebrow, Spencer looked at him again. Sighing, he gave her an explanation, "You have been an amazing help to The Shoreline Research Group," he drawled. "You helped the divers get many much-needed water samples. But, we are no longer in need of you assistance." He tried to look at her apologetically, but by looking into his eyes, you could clearly tell that he wanted to smirk. Andrew hated her, that was for certain, but she never thought he would actually fire her, he liked annoying her way too much to kick her out. He spun on his heel, his italian leather shoes clicking annoyingly along the hardwood. "W-wait!" she yelled out. You could hear him sigh from there, as he spun around,

"What is it Shelbey?" he asked, an undertone of boredom laced in his voice. "Do you-" she paused. I can't believe I want to continue working for this guy, I'm insane she thought. "Do you have any other jobs?" she asked, slapping herself mentally. Andrew did smirk this time, as he pretended to think it over. "Actually," he said, "we have an opening for a genealogist, to study the breeding patterns, and similarities between these polluted fish." He narrowed his eyes at her, "think you're up for it? Our last genealogist, well, he's being rushed to the on-boat this very moment." He looked at her victoriously what the hell have I ever done to this guy? Spencer pondered. Andrew stomped towards her, his red glasses now under his nose. He hastily swiped them up. Spencer grinned nervously, I said that aloud, didn't I she thought. He stood ramrod straight, coming up to her chin, and looked her in the eye. "What you've done, is piss me off greatly, just be careful, Shelbey" he spat as he stalked off, tripping over a tuna, and swearing loudly in the process. When the recruiter she had met just last year, had recruited her to be on the team, she had been thrilled. Now, well, she was puzzled at her previous elation.

Spencer walked into the Genetics wing on the boat, and everyone went silent. "Sweetheart," a voice said from behind her. Rolling her eyes, Spencer spun around, only to face a man she had long since detested, almost as much as Andrew. "Timothy" she replied with a curt nod, pursing her lips. Smiling sickeningly, he faked exasperation, "The dive team left an hour ago. Unorganized again, are we Ms. Evans?" He clicked his tongue disapprovingly at her. Spencer squeezed her hands together to avoid knocking his canines out. Timothy was a short, gray haired man, who, alike Andrew, had made it his sole purpose in life to annoy the hell out of her. He was doing a fine job. 

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