Things That Get Me When Reading

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Recently I've been trying to read more books lately and I've noticed that I either really like or really hate certain things when I'm reading and I thought I'd share a few things that get to me when reading a book.

1) Stupid main characters, and I'm talking about those characters that just don't know common sense... I just want to scream at them because the decisions they make are completely illogical considering the circumstances they are in or the information they have just been told.

2) When smart characters make dumb decisions... I know not every decision is a great one, but if your character is written as this clever smart person, please don't have them make the stupidest choice they probably would not have made if not for the fact that you needed the conflict or something (wait this may make me a hypocrite for saying this but oh well, I hate myself sometimes).

3) The damsel in distress.... Like come on, you're not that helpless that you can't at least attempt to get yourself out of these trivial situations.

4) The word orbs... Not really a hate I just find orbs is a weird word to describe eyes... Like "her Hazel orbs glistened with tears" me: lol orbs omg they said orbs... Gets me every, single, time.

5) Decisions made that doesn't make sense at all (also not sure if I've done this) but it doesn't make sense for a characters personality to just do a complete 180 for no possible reason. A character feels one way on a topic then boom, suddenly changes their mind for no logical reason or explanation. Like how? Why? Nothing here tells me that the situation you're in has changed so why do you suddenly feel different about it.


This one is more of a gets me in a good way, but those perfectly timed italicized words in a story.. I can't properly explain it but say there is this description of like a romantic scene and like you get that one italicized word that like stressed the feeling or something... Gosh now I want to go find an example.

“Worry not, Father... I shall not tell your secrets.” Assured the demon, his voice husky. “I shall not tell all that I bore witness to you spread out like some common, low-class gutter whore underneath a demon. That you moaned and your body begged for more. That your ass swallowed everything it was given and yet was still greedy.” ~taken from Answered Prayers by ErinBocca and yakisoba13 on Ao3


It was partly the realization of just how good Hinata had gotten at fucking them both senseless that finished Tobio off, watching the redhead rolling his hips with his head leaned back, afterglow of a really good orgasm turning his small, sweaty body pink and warm. It only took seconds after that for Tobio to lose it, his own moans silent, mouth open as he squeezed Hinata's waist tight, spilling into him. ~ taken from Howl by Esselle on Ao3

Side note: I've been addicted to their work, like the "Love is a Disaster" series by ErinBocca and yakisoba13 is to die for and the "Hunger" series by Esselle gives me life. They are all amazing writers and I've been obsessed with all of their work lately and I'm not joking, there's not a single book I don't like.

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