Sir And Daddy Plan 2

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Thought I'd do the last chapter of SAD as well so below was what the chapter was like before I even began writing on it.


"She smacked me in the face while we were having sex and I laughed and said that was cute. I mean I then held her down and choked her until she apologized and begged me to fuck her but first I said that was cute and laughed." Seth (Daddy)

little bar place that opens kinda in the evening set to little mini Date with Seth.. she runs into Lynden who was at the bar looking slightly buzzed. She begins to talk to her and she is all yeah.. well I haven't seen my husband all day and It's out two year aniversery.. .She immediatly is all.. "Sorry, I didn't get your name" and she replies back Lynden..becca tells her her name and Becca is shocked and all that such and comforts her but doesnt tell her that she was with him all day/morning... Seth comes and they part ways. they have a drink dance a little and he remembers that he had an appointment to get a suit altered.


"But I want you more. " The other said just as huskily.

I bit my lip as I stood between the two males, both of which were giving me heated looks.

"Rebecca." The first.

"Yes Sir." I start to take a step towards him.

"Come here Princess." I turned around.

"Yes Daddy."

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