Because It Said So

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Despite my many attempts to stop myself from coming up with new books I have over 12 of them. I'm not talking about the books I already have published, these are new books that have made it onto my list of works but in pencil meaning I came up with them but I'm not sure if I want to go through with them so they won't go on the list in pen.

Among them there are a few that I like more than others and I would share them with you but I'm still not sure if I 100% want to go through with making them into books. I can say the same for the skits that I planned to do with something else but time and life happened so they are just ideas and story lines sitting in my idea book.

Once I finish more books (finish more of the ones that are already published) I will think/ plan one more time about whether or not I will come out with more books. Just know that I am ready and these new books bring something even more different to the table than the new diverse books I have out now.

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