An Update

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Hello all, I'm sure you're all wondering what is up with updates and such. I've come with answers, though I'm not sure if you guys are going to be happy with what I have decided.

After NanoWriMo I realized that I definitely could finish these stories in one month if I really put my mind to it, so I've decided that I'm going to attempt what I'm calling Fic-a-Month. Which is really self explanatory. I intend to complete/ write an entire story per month.

Where you guys might be angry with me is the fact that I'm alternating with newer fic ideas and old ones. This month is a new fic and as always will be posted to Ao3.

If this year goes well, this will be the formula moving ahead. And be aware that after all of the wips here are finished I will be moving solely to Ao3.

To keep up with random updates and sneak peeks (because I'm more likely to post there than here) check out my Instagram.

Another way to peep what my goals are and keep up with my progress is actually the NanoWriMo site as you can keep up with my current project, writing goals, and progress.

Speaking of, I do intend to do NaNo this year but I'm going the untraditional route and reworking an existing book to attempt to finish, you all will likely be happy with the book I chose.

Below is my plan for Fic-a-Month and hopefully you all are happy with the stories I've chosen.

January - Hands on You

February - Lessons

March - Simon Says

April - Skins

May - Operation

June - Editing!!

July - Strawberry Milk

August - What Alice Doesn't Know

September - Last Year's Prompts!

October - Editing Part Two: Electric Boogaloo!

November - NanoWriMo
(Dangerous Deception)

December - Editing Part Three: Manic Jubilee

December (?) - Brother, Husband (FFMHB Oneshot)

There are two goals for December because I usually don't take the full month to edit the story for NaNo so I usually have time for one or two oneshots. We are aiming for one, but we shall see.

As far as January's fic. I am working on the last chapter. But I might take a break from that to edit chapter 1 and post later today so I force myself to finish the end chapter and not procrastinate. Because I could have finished this story as early as the 13th but procrastination is a bitch.

That's all for news. I thank you all for sticking with me, and I hope to see you around.

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