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It's funny sometimes because before I work on something or finish a chapter I sometimes... Scratch that I do it with majority of my chapters so, all the time I have to ask my friends how much of a bitch I should be. I mean they all know how I am with my chapters, especially with leaving them with cliffies, so when I write there's several times when I get to a point in the chapter and go, "I can so stop it right here." but then I go, "But that's kind of a bitch move ending it in that spot, you can so write more." and then go "But thats the fun part.. They can wait to see what happen." (or they can guess/make up what happen if it's a oneshot) so then I take it to my friends and they tell me the level of bitchy I should be, because we all know that even if I'm not bitchy, I give some pretty wtf why would it end here chapters. They just level in severity.

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