New Changes

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I know tons of you are patiently (and not so patiently) waiting for new updates for me, and you will get them (eventually), but the biggest changes you will start to see are some wips come down. And before you start grabbing your pitchforks, I'm only talking about those wips that I haven't actually started. You will also see a few stories come down that will potentially be problematic later on in the content (Protege-moi and it's sequel are two off the top of my head that I know I'm going to be taking down).

This decision is coming off of nights of thinking it over after Falling for my Homophobic Brothers was taken down without any warning or prior notice. Luckily I have backups (this would not have been true a year ago as Wattpad used to be the only place I kept a copy of my works (thank Lord for my friend pressuring me into doing it or I would have lost the book forever)).

Anyway I plan to take down a bunch of books, edit all of the complete ones, and finish the ones I have in progress before moving to Archive of Our Own, meaning that will be the only place you will be able to get new content.

This move won't be happening for a while now as I have tons of chapters to write in order to finish all of my wips.. but this is just a warning that the move is happening.

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