Kind of Important News

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So tomorrow I'm finally going to change my official name on wattpad to Nevaeh H.M. I know I've said I was going to do it for a while now but never did it but I think it is about time for a change. So don't be alarmed, NevaehH.M. is still the same old VANITYstarrSIXX.

I've also decided for a long terms sort of thing that you writers that also follow me may be interested in. In the year 2020 (so close but so far, I know) any and all my book ideas that I haven't started writing on will be put into a book titled "A Badly Written, Ill Timed, Poor Excuse For A Story" (long title I know).

Basically when I come up with a new story I write down the potential title and then the basic plot and sometimes I do like further character and scene details. I have so many of them written down and if you read the Rant book and have seen the latest Book Stat chapter you see how many new books I've come up with (but trust me, more has been added to the list since then). That's besides the point. What I'm trying to say is, come May 2020 any non published/ non flushed out story ideas will be put into that book for all of your reading pleasure and if you would like, you can adapt the fledgling into a full out story.

Besides that. I'm actually trying to finish chapters so I can post... As of now the only chapter even close to being finished is a oneshot in Late Night Reads... I've also been working on some un published stories as well as my collab with DeathLightning for Greek Gods Of Sin.

That's all for news

Until Next Time


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