CSI Episode

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This was the last creative assignment we had in Forensics. I chose to write out my own CSI style episode cause I didn't like the other options for this assignment. So yeah, enjoy and you will be seeing a slightly different version of this in Mad.


Unknown POV:


I waited silently for him to get off work, my thumbs drumming the steering wheel as I bobbed my head along to whatever song that it was playing on the radio. I glanced at the clock just as the numbers changes to 5:30 pm. A few minutes later and he and some random woman came strolling out of the bar. Judging from the way she was pressed against him I could assume that this was the woman that he would be bringing home tonight, disgusting.

They got into his car and I started up mine,trailing them until they came to stop in a secluded part of the local park. As they got a bit more 'comfortable' I made sure that I had everything that I needed before getting out of my car.

I silently made my way over to theirs, swiftly cutting a hole in one of their tires and laughing to myself at the sounds of surprise from inside the car. Muffled voices were heard before the drivers door was opened. I slammed the door closed on his leg causing him to cry out before opening it again and sent a bullet into the screaming woman's head.

I then proceeded to dragging him out of the car and onto the ground. Once he was down, I knocked him unconscious and stripped him of his clothes. I unrolled my knife kit and got to work on my latest masterpiece.



Chief Maddox POV:


The case file sitting on my desk when I got in this morning set my usual relaxed features grim. I looked over the file and mentally cursed before getting my team together for briefing.

"It looks like he's found his latest victim." I started off as the rest of the unit gathered around the conference table.

"Looks as though after almost a year break this guy has decided to start up again starting with Shane Tompkins and Katy Moore. Let's keep an eye out, I need my profilers to come up with a statement to the public. We already know this guy and what he's about so we need to make sure to eliminate as many potential victims as possible. Forensics, I need you ready to head to the crime scene in 5." After that they dispersed and overall there was a mumbling within the building, no doubt whispers about the Artistry Killer as papers dubbed him.

He had killed 10 people within the course of 6 months but because of the lack of physical evidence left at the crime scene, we were never able to make an arrest, let alone get a solid lead. This almost annual break between things made it that much harder because any previous potential eye witnesses have moved or passed away. I ran a hand through my hair as I released a sigh.

Time to head out.


Detective Jasper POV:


Upon arriving at the crime scene which had been taped off, I looked around as each member of the forensics team got to work. I headed over to the car and dusted the door for prints after Mark had taken pictures of the scene. I smiled inwardly as the partial print came up among the other prints.

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