"I'm glad you're here."

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Millie’s POV-

I was never really one to wake in the early hours of the morning. Besides the obligatory hours of school, my weekends were spent laying in bed or just waking up when the sun is at its peak. The sun rising, however, was never an option for me. I would always get too lazy to wake up early in time to catch the first glimpse of light or I would always sleep through my alarms. The latest I would ever reach to staying up would be about four am and the earliest I would wake up would be about six. An hour too early and an hour too late.

However, I found all of this changing when Harry came into my life. I remember that day he snuck into my room how I tried with every fiber in my being to keep my eyes open just so I could continue talking to him. The sun actually rose, I remember seeing the light travel through my windows, but unfortunately, I was too tired to even notice.

Today, though, I somehow managed to wake in darkness. The room was only half lit but not completely where you would be able to see each and every inch. The only source of light were the stars, messily taped to the ceiling of the room, the ones glowing as if there was no tomorrow.

That’s the thing about glow in the dark stars; the first time you put them up, are going to be the strongest days. They’ll have this glow that after a month or two will slowly vanish and with time, they might not even glow anymore.

The stars hanging on the ceiling was my first clue to where I was. For some reason, I had completely forgotten and the reason they gave it away was because not even the ones in my room glow that hard. Stars like that would have to have been put up the night before and that made all the memories of the night before come flooding back.

A small grin lit my face as my head slightly turned to the side, out the window. I had turned it just in time to see the first gleam of light entering the bedroom and, for once in my life of mornings, I full on smiled.

My eyes then traveled to my right, my whole body almost jumping in fright when I saw a pair of supple green eyes staring back at me. Crinkles formed by the sides of said eyes and a smile lit up the face of the boy who was lying next to me.

“Mornin’” he greeted, his dimples immediately making an appearance to the surface.

I faked groaned and buried my head in the pillow, hiding my beaming grin “What time is it?” I asked and when I looked at him for an answer, all he did was shrug and stare at me again with those resplendent eyes.

“I’ve no idea.”

My eyes closed for a moment before I let out a sigh and brought myself up in a sitting position. Harry’s duvet was coving me like a roman empress and I placed my arms behind me, using them to support me. I moved my head side to side, my neck cracking with every movement. Then I slightly stretched out my back before lying back down on the sheet covered bed.

Harry followed my every movement, his eyes never leaving my face.

“What?” I asked when I saw him grinning at me.

He reaches over and gives my lips a small peck.

“You’re amazing,” he mutters and kisses me again.

“I try.” I said jokingly and he laughs before I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me in towards him.

“I’m glad you’re here.” He mutters into my hair once I’m snuggled up to his chest.

“So am I,” I whisper and lightly chuckle. “Oh, and I love what you’ve done with your ceiling.”

Harry’s chest vibrates with laughter “Thanks this weirdo hobo lady helped me.”

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