"You have no one to blame but yourself!"

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The church bells are ringing, the choirs singing; the people are praying, they need to learn when to stop playing.

Today may be one of the most single handedly worst days of my life. Well, if you don’t count the numerous times the psycho that’s currently rotting in jail has come after me, then yes, this beats it all. You know, when I was younger, I always wondered about what my friends’ funeral would be about… I just hoped when that day finally came, it’d be from natural causes and we’d be older… way older.

The three mahogany caskets stared at me with eyes of furry. Gavin, Thea, and Jace’s family thought it’d be right for them to have the mass together; after all they did basically get taken away from this world at the same time. It would be wrong to separate them. I wish I could say the same thing for Kennedy though. The FBI finally identified her fingerprints and dental files once they got a hold of her body. Maria Ann Solit was her real name. Annie, her family called her, for short. Turns out Kenn- Annie was already getting herself into trouble way before we had even met her. Her family had practically kicked her out after they had found out some of the things she was doing. She’d been living out on the road scamming and robbing people for almost a year now. Her dismembered body was sent out to her family a couple days ago; I heard they weren’t even going to plan a funeral, just cremate her and lay her ashes god knows where.

I sighed and laid my hand on the brown wood. They didn’t want it to be an open casket, the priest didn’t allow it. They said it would cause the families more pain and trouble not only because it was almost two months without hearing anything, but they were trapped inside a safe and broken down to fit; they must be nothing but tiny shreds of skin and bones.

I suddenly felt a hand slide around my own. I pried my eyes away from the caskets and looked to my side to see Harry’s warm eyes melting into my own. Yeah I asked him to come, I needed not only the company, but I felt like it would be appropriate him being there as he was the one that saved me in the first place.

“It’s time to go,” he whispered to me but I couldn’t seem to move. “It’s starting,” he added and I looked away for a moment seeing how everyone was seated, waiting for me to walk away.

I gripped his hand tightly, watching as everyone followed our steps. It wasn’t until we were seated, at the very front I might add, that I actually realized this was going to be the very last time I would see any of them ever again. I mean sure, I would be able to visit their grave, but now, with them actually here, it was the first time I realized how real this had become.

“Jace Jenson, Thea Hawkins, and Gavin Stonem,” the priest began “Three young minds that were taken away from this world far too quickly…”

I made sure to listen to each and every word that was spoken up at the podium. Everyone that went up there to give a speech was either a close family member, a friend, or just someone who knew them well. The words ‘will be missed dearly’, ‘didn’t deserve it’, and ‘miss them so much’ must’ve been repeated at least 20 times up there but, for some reason, it didn’t bother me. I mean, sure, it would’ve been nice for someone to go up there to give a genuine speech, but I guess none of them knew how. They were grieving and I think that last thing anybody wanted to do was say a final goodbye. All anyone could do was give a speech saying the same thing as the last, nod along and cry, and repeat.

Nonetheless, I listened to their helpful words, their compliments, their taken-so-soon speech, their appreciate-life speech.

I listened to every word that they had uttered.

I didn’t want to miss a thing.

Finally, when everyone was done, and the priest said the final prayers, everyone stood and watched as the caskets were lifted and taken down the aisle, bowing their heads in respect. Once the music started playing, and the mahogany was already out the door, everyone started following behind, watching as the caskets were lifted onto the cars and driven off to a new life in the soil.

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