"You don't have to worry about me."

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Harry’s POV-

My fingers slowly grazed across the rows of packaged sandwiches stacked on top of one other. Each all had some sort of different fruit supplied next to them and when I turned around to see if anyone was looking, I took the fruit and hid it in my pocket.

If I knew anything about hospital kitchens, I knew their food sucked. But since I was extremely hungry, and all the good food I did have left last night, this was my only option.

Taking a few steps to the left to get some apple juice, or whatever the hell they serve here, I found myself drifting off into my thoughts. Some were about the concert we had in a few hours while others, more than half probably, were about the girl in room C-8.

I couldn’t help but wonder how she had survived all of this. And I’m not only talking about what happened to her friends, but even before that. Her uncle said that her teacher had been stalking her since way back when she had started her first year of high school so just imagine all she had to go through up until her whole family was murdered.

I mean sure, sometimes we even get creepy and slightly horrific letters from our fans, but this is different. We actually have people to protect us and we don’t even know half of the people that send these letters. Millie, however, didn’t and every time this psycho tried to do something to her in his class, she couldn’t just call for security to take him away. Hell, maybe sometimes she even had to let him touch her arm while she was taking a test or she had to stay after school to ‘review’ her grades while he was thinking of all the ways he could take her back to his apartment to do whatever the hell people like him think about. How far exactly did he have to go until she finally realized what he wanted to do with her?

I shuddered at that last thought and got the little cup of orange juice from the bowl of ice it was sitting in. I didn’t even want to know what he finally did in order to make her snap and call the police.

I felt myself jump in surprise and spill some of the orange juice in my hand when I felt a rather hard tap on my shoulder.

When I spun to the side to see who had practically punched me, I saw no one there. Furrowing my eyebrows together, I turned back to my original position only to jump about ten feet away when I came face to face with a smiling, wide eyed girl.

“Jesus Chirst!” I yelled and was grateful that it was too early for anyone to be in the cafeteria at this time otherwise they would’ve scolded me for yelling too loud.

“Oh, you are too easy!” Millie laughed and clamped her hands together in accomplishment.

I gripped my chest with one hand and tried to calm my racing heart. “Aren’t you supposed to be in bed or something?”

She gave me a funny look “Are you kidding me? I’ve been in bed for what, a whole day now? I need a break from all that sitting and laying.”

“Well what if someone catches you?” I ask her and she snorted and rolled her eyes.

“They won’t.” she told me before adding “But if by any chance they do, then you can be my shield.”

This time, I was the one giving her a look “And what makes you so sure I’ll agree to that.”

She shrugged “Easy. Because you’re leaving today and it’s the last day we can do anything fun.”

“Since when did we start doing anything fun together? We practically just met.”

“Which is exactly why we need to start. You know, so if we ever see each other again in the future we can be like ‘hey, remember that one time we snuck around a hospital together, yeah that was fun.’”

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