"Are you sure you want to do this?"

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Millie’s POV-

There was a silence; a thinning of words in the air that just couldn’t be fathomed into coherent sentences. Both of us were still, the events of that night still fresh in our heads as we tried to think of anything to say. Our minds were filled with words, but we just couldn’t find the right paring of letters to make this situation any less rigid.

I looked around the room for what must’ve been the millionth time. For some reason, I still couldn’t get used to the idea of being back here, it all felt like some sort of twisted dream that was coming to life. Countless memories were tainting my mind every second I was here and I wasn’t so sure I liked seeing them in my head anymore.

“I want to say I’m sorry, or that you’re a strong person for surviving this… but I know you’ve probably heard that countless times before already and I know that saying that, isn’t going to change anything.”

Harry’s voice echoed throughout the empty house a couple seconds after he finished speaking. My hands gripped the wood under me and I nodded my head understandably.

“But… I am going to say that… what you witnessed that night, is something no person, good or bad, should ever have to go through in their entire lives.”

I guess I’m the lucky one, then, I thought sarcastically.

“It’s okay, Harry,” I mumbled, my voice beat. “I just… I just thought it’d be a good time for you to know.”

Harry stayed silent as my head hung low and stared at the stairs below us. I remembered when we first moved here, how excited I was when my parents told me it was going to be a two story and how, for a whole week straight, all I did was play up and down the woodened steps.

“Why?” Harry’s voice asked, suddenly snapping me out of my reverie.

“What?” I questioned and turned my head to look at him.

“Why.” He repeated and squinted his eyes ahead of him. He didn’t have to finish for me to understand what he was trying to ask.

Why did I feel like it was a good time for me to tell him the story of that night?

My brows furrowed in confusion as my thoughts became scrambled up in a mess of reflection.


No matter how hard I tried to deny it, Harry had a point. Why did I feel like it was a good time for me to tell him? Why not later or why even at all? He deserved to know, he deserved an explanation, but it’s not like he’d been asking me how my family was taken away that night every time we saw each other, hell, he hadn’t even asked at all so why did I feel like I had to tell him?

“I just felt like you needed to know.” I responded slowly, choosing my words carefully. Harry nodded understandably and stayed quiet for a couple more seconds. Minutes must’ve passed and the air was still tick with silence; neither of us, once again, knew what to say.

It wasn’t until Harry sighed and got up that my eyebrows knitted together and a questionable look took over my face. Harry turned and faced me, my head tilting all the way back as I was still sitting and he was now standing. His hand stretched outwards and he offered it to me.

“Come on.” He said and nodded to his hand. My lip was taken between my teeth and I firmly placed my hand in his. He held onto it tightly and hauled me up, our bodies colliding like children.

We both laughed at our idiocy and he led me down the stairs we were previously occupying and out the door. My mind was still racing and as soon as the door was closed, and Harry was leading me towards his car, I couldn’t help but glance over my shoulder onto the house I once learned to love.

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