"Promise you'll keep me safe."

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2:43 a.m.

Present time.

No please, please don’t kill me.” The girl begged as she slowly cowered to the floor.

The killer titled his head to the side and stared at her for the longest time. Her cries were the only thing you could hear and when she looked up to see if he had changed his mind, he brought his chainsaw down and shredded her to pieces.

I rolled my eyes and flicked the TV off. I could already tell this was going to be a bad movie.

Of course the slut died first. Its common sense to have someone who sleeps with ten guys a day to die first in a movie, especially when she’s blonde and has an I.Q of 60 am I right?

I sighed and rested my head on the pillows of the small couch. It was late and I didn’t even know what I was doing up. Usually, I’m the first to crash and only ever get up when I’m hungry or need to go to the bathroom.

Going on bus tours are fun, but the rides, are hell. It takes up approximately four or five hours to get to one destination. Those, I can handle but when it’s the long eight, nine, ten or longer, I just sleep most of the time until we’re there.

Thirteen hours, our driver had told us. Thirteen fucking hours until we get to one concert only so we can drive nine more hours to another one the next day.

My whole body jolted straight up when I felt the bus go over something bumpy. And it wasn’t one of those small, delicate, go-over-them-slow, kind of bumps. It was the one where your mind concludes you’ve just ran over a dog.

I walked to the front of the bus and pulled the curtain separating our driver open.

“Mike what the hell was-” I froze once I saw the person sitting up front “Louis? What on earth are you doing here?”

My best friend shrugged and looked in his review mirror. “Mike got tired so I decided I would let him rest for a while.”

“By driving at two in the morning?”

“Hey, I got up to get some water and when I saw him almost falling asleep at the wheel, I told him I had it.”

“Do you even know where we’re going?”

Louis snorted and waved a hand dismissively “Of course I know,” he pointed to something next to the wheel “GPS.”

I crossed my arms and gave him a small glare. “Fine. But what the hell was that thing back there?”

“Oh that? It was probably some possum or something. I’ve seen two the last mile.”

“That’s disgusting.”

“Welcome to Arizona.”

I uncrossed my arms and leaned back on the closest wall.

“Why are you up so early?” Louis asked me and this time, I was the one that shrugged.

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“That’s a first.”

“Yeah, some guys terrible driving kept me up.”

“Hardee har, har.” Louis rolled his eyes and looked back at the road.

We both stayed quiet after that, listening to nothing more but the sound of the wheels on the road.

I could’ve said my goodnights or something after that and left. I could’ve lied and said I was tired and that I was going to sleep. I could’ve done anything after that to leave Louis alone at the wheel and maybe, just maybe, he would’ve missed her and we wouldn’t have been dragged into this new world of crazy.

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