"They left you here... alone?"

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 “Her name was Kennedy.” I began and watched as the cop on the side began to write it down in a notepad. “I-I don’t know her last name, she never told us.”

“And where did you meet her?” My uncle asked me slowly and carefully. He wanted to make sure he would get each and every last detail.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to erase the memory of her body hanging loosely from the branch on the tree.

“Some rest stop Gavin insisted on stopping by.”

He nodded his head.

“And why was she riding with you guys?”

I gripped the sheets as I remembered how her body fell out from nowhere and rocked back and forth with the wind. The way blood wouldn’t stop pouring out from the gash on her throat made me want to throw up right then and there.


“Sh-she needed a ride.” My voice cracked.

“What the fuck!”

“Jace calm down!”

“She’s dead, she’s fucking dead and we’re next!”

“You don’t know that!”

Thea leaned over and started to puke.

“Jesus Christ, we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die!”

“Shut up Thea, just shut up!”

“Where to?”

“To her grandma’s house.”

His eyebrows shot up the tinniest bit and he leaned forward in his chair. “Do you know where her grandma lives? Maybe we can identify-”

I shook my head and cut him off “She won’t do you any good.”

At this, he gave me a weird look “Why not?”

“She’s not real.”

I could basically feel the confusion of each and every person in the room.

“I don’t think I understand-”

“She was lying to us.”

He stayed quiet for a while and the guy with the notepad paused his writing to look at my uncle.

“Why would she ever do that?”

I bit my lip and looked down at my hand, trying to imagine her going through our bags while we were gone. I hated knowing she had touched my clothes, all my personal items. How she just threw them on the dirt once she analyzed whether or not they were worthy enough to be taken.

“In order to tell you that, I would have to tell you the whole story.”


That’s probably the only word used to describe that hospital room at that very moment.

No one said anything, no one had to. I knew they were all thinking the same thing by the looks they were giving each other and by the time those looks got to my uncle; I already knew what I had gotten myself into.

And I was perfectly okay with that.


5:46 p.m.

9 hours earlier

“Make sure to get the sour gummy bears!” Gavin screamed after me, sticking his head out the window “The last time you got them they were the cheap ass root beer ones!”

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