"I laid there and waited to die."

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Millie’s POV-

I had no idea where I was.

I just ran in some random direction, hoping it was one where the killer couldn’t possibly find me.

Actually, scratch that.

I did have an idea of where I was going; I just didn’t know where I specifically was.

I guess after all this time of trying to run away and escape only to come back to all the same places over and over again really gave you a sense of direction.

For example, I now had all the places we had run to memorized in my head.

I knew how we ended up getting to that little shack where Jace was killed in the first place, I knew exactly how far Kennedy’s body was from the campsite, and I also knew how far the place was where Gavin and the killer had gotten into that fight.

Its weird how situations like these can change the way you take in your surroundings.

And with the knife in hand, my screwed, yet slightly recovered, knees, the hole on my side that was currently gushing out blood, and all the bruises and cuts around my body, I felt like I actually had a chance to find a way out of this mess.

-Well, that was until I felt my whole body crash into something hard that almost knocked both of us to the floor.

I started swinging the knife in my hand like a mad woman as soon as I felt the collision. I didn’t care what it was that I had crashed into; at that point I just wanted to find a way to escape.

When I felt them grab a hold of my wrist, the one the knife was currently occupying, I tried to use my other hand to punch them in order for them to release it. Then, when I felt them grab that one and my whole body was pushed up against a tree in order to constrain them, I kind of knew what would be coming next.

Although, when I heard a voice, a sweet familiar voice that I knew oh so well, I stopped struggling and froze completely.

“Millie?” they asked and I squinted my eyes in their direction.

I gasped “Gavin?!” he loosened his grip on my wrists before letting them go completely. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him as tight as I could.

He wrapped his arms around my waist “Oh my god, I thought you were dead.” I said and buried my face in his neck.

He shook his head “Same here.”

“How’d you get away?” I asked and brought my face back to look at him.

He shrugged “After you left… he got really mad. He started fighting harder and rougher and when he thought I couldn’t take it anymore, he just left me there and ran after you.”

“Seriously?” I asked and Gavin nodded his head.

“Yeah, I tried to run after him but…” he lifted his leg and showed me his ankle “I think he might’ve broken it.”

I gasped and tried to bend down to get a closer look. Notice how I said the word ‘tried’ because as soon as I leaned down and flexed any part of my stomach, the stab wound burnt like hell.

“Ow,” I winced and jumped straight back up. I placed a hand next to my stomach and tried to apply pressure.

Gavin, noticing my discomfort, travelled his eyes over to my hand and placed his own on top of mine. He carefully tried to remove my hand and when he did, his eyes widened at what he saw.

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