"The more she knows, the more dangerous it can be for her."

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“Millie! Get up, we need to talk!” my uncles shout could be heard from downstairs. My whole body jolted awake, my hand immediately going to untangle the hair that got caught in my face.

“I’m up,” I muttered to myself before taking a second too long to blink. A yawn escaped my lips as I laid my head back down on my pillow, the musky scent of cologne still lingering in the cotton.

“I’m up,” I mumbled one more time before my breathing became shallow and my mind slowly going back to life in the unconsciousness. Well, that was until I heard him yell my name again and say something about cold water if I didn’t get up in the next minute. I groaned, my body restraining itself against the side of my bed where an amazing fragrance still remained, making it harder for me to leave.

Harry, being the gentlemen he is, had promised me last night he’d stay until I was ready to ask him to leave. In his mind, he probably thought that meant for a couple minutes or so; a couple minutes before he would have to force himself to leave and act like he wouldn’t want to stay any longer. He would’ve wanted to respect me and my space, even if that meant leaving me alone.

But of course, in my mind, that meant I wanted him to be there with me for as long as I could’ve kept my eyes open. We stayed there, both of us together and only getting up for snacks or drinks, in that bed and talked about absolutely everything and anything. The conversations could’ve been rated from ‘What’s your favorite memory ever and why?’ to ‘why do you think people even exist?’

It must’ve been around two am when our voices started becoming slower and breathing was the only function my body could’ve handled at the moment. I could’ve felt my eyes taking rests every now and then and I guess it wasn’t until we lasted an unbelievable amount time without speaking to each other, we must’ve been in that stage where we want to sleep but every muscle in our body is telling us to stay awake a bit longer, that Harry decided to call it a night, and leave. Of course I had reminded him of his promise and when he sighed and realized I had a point I made him a deal. He could leave, only and just only if he waited until I fell asleep completely. Of course I tried to hold off the sleep as long as possible, me not wanting him to leave just yet, but when the sun began peeking through my windows, and the tiredness just couldn’t handle my body anymore, I shut down completely. Harry must’ve climbed down a while after that, the only thing remaining of him was the cologne of his body now on my sheets.

I scratched the side of my head as I slowly made my way downstairs. I felt like a zombie, what with only getting about two hours of sleep, and I could feel my eyes closing at random moments, almost tripping myself going down the stairs.

Once I got to the kitchen, I sat on a stool and let my head fall restlessly on the cold counter, the breakfast in front of me easily forgotten.

“Sleep well?” my aunt asked sarcastically from the stove and I make an inhuman noise as a response.

“Well that’s good,” my uncle told me, his face covered by today’s news and obviously not getting the message that I was tired as fuck. “You’re gonna need all your energy for what you have planned for today.”

“What?” I asked, my head lifting and little amounts of energy entering my body. “I haven’t made any plans today.”

My uncle put down today’s paper and quickly glanced at my aunt for reassurance. She nodded her head and went back to scrambling her eggs.

“Some people from the state want to talk to you.” He sighed and looked away quickly “They just want to ask some questions.”

“What kind of people are we talking about?” I asked cautiously “And what kind of questions.”

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