"No one should have to go what you went through."

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Millie’s POV-

The color of my ceiling never really had any appeal to me before what-so-ever. I never cared for the discolored wall nor the glow in the dark stars that stuck in uneven parts over my bed. My ceiling was as plain as my room.

I only really had one desk to the side; my bed smack in the middle, a small drawer that held my underwear and a poster of a man on a bike that disturbs me in ways I thought were foolish. My room wasn’t anything special to me; I’ve only really been living here for three years. Anything I did have before was thrown into the evidence locker in the building my uncle works at. The only things I actually kept from my old room were a couple books, some clothes, and a picture frame of my family and me.

Now let’s go back to my dull ceiling. For some reason today, my ceiling seemed to be the only thing on my mind. I came home from my therapist, landed on my bed, shuffled around a little until I found a comfortable spot, and stared up at the heavens, otherwise known as the glow in the dark stars. The stars really made me think about what my therapist had told me about Harry today, hence, me trying to reconsider everything in my life.

Am I really only hanging out with him because he makes me feel safe or am I doing it for something more? I mean, I hadn’t really thought about why I even started to like him in the first place. I guess it’s mostly because he’s really admirable. He’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met and I guess him ditching his concerts for me proves that. His charming personality’s also a bonus and I guess I really like that about him.

I sigh one of my dramatic sighs and look around my room. The colors are boring and the posters giving me a headache again. Whenever I decide I want to do something with my room, I always find an excuse to back me out of it.

I should move around the furniture.

Oh, nope can’t do that my back is hurting all it’ll do is make it worse.

I should take down that creepy poster.

Nope wait, if I take out the nail there’ll just be a huge hole in my wall.

I should paint my walls.

Paint costs money, some of which I don’t have.

I close my eyes and lay my head on my pillow. I should just call Thea and ask her to come ov-

My breath stops short for a second and the sudden realization of what happened to her that night hits me again. My eyes open and the only person that stares at me is the man and the bike. I can feel tears beginning to prick my eyes and I fist the duvet in my hands.

You have to stay strong, I remind myself. You can’t let him win, not again.

I shake the tears out of my mind and open my bedside drawer, reaching for my iPod and earphones. The only friends I have right now are the ones with beautiful voices.

I put both earphones in either ear, unlock my iPod, and begin scrolling through my music. I’m about to choose a random song, when all of a sudden, my window starts talking. Okay, maybe not actually talking, but I could’ve sworn I just heard it make a noise. I have a stare down with my window until it backs down and I go back to my music.


“Millie!” I hear someone whisper/yell and I’m seconds close to calling the police.


My whole body snaps upwards and I begin to walk towards the glass. Part of my brain is telling me to run downstairs as this isn’t the first time someone’s thrown rocks at my window. Its okay, I remind myself, he’s in jail and he’s not coming for you. Not anymore.

Mad Sounds ∞ Harry Styles ∞Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt