"I did it for us!"

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November 24, 2010

9:38 p.m.

Three years earlier.

“My first kiss went a little like this, [kiss] and twist [kiss kiss] and twist!”

“Oh please, grant me mercy and turn that off!” I begged and watched as Thea turned around in her seat and blew me a kiss, winking afterwards.

“Why, it’s a cool song!” she argued and I groaned.

Laughter came from the driver’s seat “Oh girls, I remember when I was your age.”

Thea made a disgusted face “Mom, please don’t start telling us about ‘your times’.” She air quoted and both Mrs. Hawkins and I burst out laughing.

“So how was the play girls?” She asked and looked in her rearview mirror at me.

“Lame.” Thea replied and rolled her eyes “The school literally does not know anything about how to run a musical; the dancers were off, the singers were terrible and don’t even get me started on the props.”

“Then why’d you go?” her mom asked.

Thea smiled and looked back at me. “Cause Jace Jenson was in it duh.”

“Jace Jenson?” her mom asked and looked at me with questioning eyes.

“He’s this guy we met at the beginning of this year. Pretty cute not gonna lie.” I said and Thea looked at me like if I was crazy.

“Cute? He’s pretty freaking hot Millie and we both know it.” She said and everyone in the car laughed. “His eyes are just… ugh, it’s not fair.”

“Life isn’t fair.” Her mother replied.

“What about Gavin, huh?” I asked her with raised eyebrows and a teasing smile “You know, our best friend, guy you’ve had a crush on since sixth grade, guy who was also in the play and who also introduced us to Jace in the first place?”

Thea sighed “Gavin was cute, I’ll admit that and I mean sure, I liked him, but we’re in high school now, Millie and I need a man, not a boy.”

It took approximately five seconds before her mom and I burst out laughing again.

“It’s not funny, I’m serious!” she blushed and tried to hide deeper into her seat.

“Oh honey…” her mom trailed off and chuckled a few more times. The car got quiet after that, nothing but the voices on the radio filling the car with noise. Suddenly, a phone went off and Thea’s mom cursed under her breath.

“Here,” she said and tossed Thea her phone “It’s your sister and I don’t like talking on the phone and driving.”

Thea groaned but answered the phone nonetheless “What do you want, Cara?” Thea answered and rolled her eyes.

“No she’s driving, what do you want?”

“What? No he didn’t.”

“Are you serious?”

“Well where are you?”

“Are you freaking kidding me Cara, oh my god, get inside and… I don’t know, lock yourself in the bathroom or something, we’ll be there in 15.”

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