"How did all of this happen to her?"

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Harry’s POV-

I hated hospitals.

I mean, I know a lot of people do, but I really hated them.

It’s just a painful reminder of all the souls that couldn’t be saved and the thought that some still linger around creeps me the fuck out.

“Covered in blood?” Liam asked one more time and I rolled my eyes.

“Drenched.” I replied in the most sinister voice I could muster.

He gave me a flat look. “This isn’t funny. You found a girl, stabbed might I add, in the middle of nowhere and you’re not even curious as to why and how she got there?”

“Oh I’m curious; I’m just really tired of your stupid questions.”

“They’re not stupid.” He mumbled and sank back into his chair.

“Okay, they were out of candy, so I got chips instead.” Louis interrupted and sat back down in the chair next to mine.

“Did you at least get the good kind of chips?” Zayn whined and Louis threw him a bag to see for himself.

“Where’s Niall?”Louis asked, looking around the waiting room.

“I’m right here, stupid.” Niall muttered from behind him. He sat up and stretched his arms before moving his head side to side, his neck cracking with the movement “How long have we been waiting?”

“20 minutes.” I replied and he groaned.

“Well they better hurry up because I’m tired as fu-”

Niall was suddenly interrupted by a loud scream.

All of our heads shot towards Millie’s room where doctors and nurses where frantically running inside.

“She’s awake.” I declared and the boys stole quick glances at me.

After a couple minutes of people going in and out of her room, three that came out were the ones that had caught my attention.

They walked over to me.

“Harry?” one police officer asked “Are you Harry?”

I nodded.

He sighed “Millie keeps asking for you. She won’t let us do anything or ask anything unless you’re there.”

“What’s wrong with her?” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

The officer stared at me for a long time before continuing “Other than the stab wound we found on her side, nothing. There were a few bruises but-”

“I know that.” I interrupted him “What I want to know is how did all of this happen to her?”

The police officer hesitated before turning to the other officer that came with him.

“Go tell Millie we’ll be there soon. Tell her we’re talking and that it shouldn’t take long.”

The guy nodded and did as he said; disappearing once he entered the room.

The officer walked to one of the empty chairs and sat down, the nurse occupying the seat next to him.

He looked up and we made eye contact before he scratched the back of his neck.

“Her full name is Mildred Nevaeh Wilson. She was born November 12, 1994. She had two loving parents and a younger brother-”

“Had?” Liam interrupted and the officer shook his head sadly.

Mad Sounds ∞ Harry Styles ∞حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن