"You need me here more than they do."

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Throughout my life; my very complicated, problematic, horrendous life, I never really had a fear for that many things. Well, besides the usual snakes, spiders, and anything that can crawl or fly when I was ten, nothing really stuck out as much as other things did. Fears, to me, were irrational and somewhere in my mind, I knew that people would be able to get over them sooner or later.

Today, however, I found myself contemplating whether or not riding in the back of a motorcycle while the famous Harry Styles, who I now think had no idea how to even drive one when he first got it, drove me to who knows where to see who knows what.

It really wasn’t that bad, when I first got on it of course, but when we soon got on a freeway, one I was not familiar with, and the roads began getting a tad bumpier and the wind started hitting a little harder and the dress I was wearing decided it was a good idea to start flapping all over the place, exposing a little more skin than I had originally intended to, I couldn’t help the panic that began to spread around my body in a frenzy. I mean, the only thing I could really do was bury my head into Harry’s shoulder and pray for the life of me that I did not fall off. Me not bringing a jacket was also a very crucial mistake.

It felt like hours later, when in reality it was probably only a couple minutes, when I felt the cold breeze pause into the air, and the roaring engine was cut. My head peeked out from its warm hiding spot and looked around, trying to make connections with my surroundings.

At this point, Harry had gotten off the bike and had already taken his helmet off. I was still sitting down, giant piece of plastic still on my head; while my body was turning in ways unimaginable (I was still trying to figure out where we were) that I almost fell off. Harry was able to catch me before I hit the pavement after one too many turns and when I was back on my feet, I took the helmet off and stared at him in confusion.

“Where are we?” I asked and pointed to the complex behind us “What is this?”

Harry gave me one of his dazzling half smiles, reached over to fix my mangled hair and shrugged “You said you wanted a distraction… so I’m giving you one.”

I gave him an even more puzzling look but he just took my hand and began to lead me inside. The man at the door gave him a greeting nod and opened the door for us. Harry smiled in return and walked inside, me still trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

We both walked over to a creepy looking elevator and got in. He pressed a little number three and the doors closed, two people that looked exactly like us appearing.

“Where are we going?” I asked to his reflection, receiving nothing but a slight squeeze to my fingers.

“You’ll see.” He replied and I jumped the slightest when the doors rang open. Harry waited until I stepped out before joining me down the hallway. There didn’t seem to be that many doors (now that I think about it, the complex itself was pretty small) so it didn’t surprise me when Harry stopped walking at the very end of the hallway.

I tried my luck again.

“Still not telling me where we are?” I asked and Harry smiled before reaching into his coat and taking out a bronze key. He inserted it into the lock and in one swift movement, opened the mahogany door. We both stepped inside and while Harry turned back around to close the door behind me, I took this as my chance to start looking around.

We hadn’t stepped into anything big, really. It was just a normal apartment space. The room itself was pretty empty, the only thing lying around being a couple boxes and a couch right in the middle. There was also a TV set up on the wooden floor in front of the couch but besides the stacked boxes splattered around the room, that was it.

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