A day at the festival

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It was one regular day at school. Well, not really, but Dante, Laurence and Garroth were hanging out by the locker. They were just talking until Dante brought up...

"You know what, I don't think you are. Every time you're around (Y/n) lately, you've been weird."

Garroth have a stunned looked and then her replied, "You can't prove that."

"Yes I can, remember that one time we were practicing potatoes and at the library after school?"

And then all of the sudden all of us had a flash back to that time where Garroth saw (Y/n) being happy about a huge dog that Laurence made. Then Garroth got jealous and tried to one up him.

Dante brought up "or that one time at practice."

Then another flash back happened where Garroth and Dante were at practice. Garroth was distracted by (Y/n) talking to Laurence. So Garroth got hit by a ball.

Dante added on "and let's not forge-"

"Okay, okay. I get it" Garroth interrupted.

"Why don't you just admit you like her?"

Laurence was shocked from what Dante said.
"What, no he doesn't."

"Duh-uh. Dante! That's uh uh... uh that's preposterous! I don't like her at all."

Dante remarked, "heh, suuure. Sorry but I can see it on your face."

Laurence did not like it at all. "Hey. Dante... Garroth tells me everything."


Garroth looked defeated like something bad just happened to him. He saw me then he jumped. Do I really look that ugly?

"Uhh. Hey Garroth. Is everything alright?"

"Oh. Yea. Yea. (Y/n). It was just something on my mind."

"Would you like to tell me? You know you can tell me anything."

"I can't it's... it's too personal."

"Okay, I understand, but if you need someone to talk to. I'm here."

"Thanks! That means a lot."

"Haha. No problem! But got to go to class."



"There is a festival in town. I was wondering if you want to come with me?"


"OH! Uh... not like a date or anything cause we are not dating- uh I mean like I don't want to go. Wait! Uh just going with me? Cause I want to go with you?"

"What Garroth? You're not making sense?" *chuckles*

"Would you want to go to the festival?"

"Oh. Sure! I guess I'll see you there!"

"See ya!"


I was looking at some of the games that the local people set up. Then I see the Ferris wheel. I got a cold shiver cause I hate heights.

Authors Note: (No for real. I hate them. It takes forever for me to go on a Ferris wheel.)

I just stared deeply at the huge wheel and feeling a gross feeling in my stomach. All of the sudden I feel a hug from behind. I turned around and it was Garroth.

"Oh hey Garroth. I didn't see you"

"I snuck up on you while you were being petrified by the sight of that Ferris wheel."

"Oh. Whatever."

"Shall we walk around and see what's there?"


Garroth and I were just walking around the festival. Garroth was so happy when he won a gold fish on one of the games here. He was like a little girl meeting her idol.

We were just talking and laughing until we bumped into someone. We saw Laurence. Garroth didn't seem too please to see him here. I, on the other hand, didn't mind him here. Me hanging out with my friends is great.

My stomach rumbled. I made a stupid look on my face. Garroth looked concern for me so he asked,

"You hungry (y/n)?"

"Just a little."

"I'll get you something!"

"Thanks, but you don't have t-"

Before I could of finish my sentence. Garroth was already in his way to get me something to eat. I felt bad cause he didn't have to do that.

Laurence tapped in my shoulder and pointed at a photo booth. He asked,

"Should we get a picture together?"

"With out Garroth?"

"Well we can get another picture with him later when he returns. I want to get a photos of us. That's it."

"Oh well, that's fine."

Laurence and I entered the photo booth. He put some money into the slot. The machine was counting down for a photo.

The first photo was us doing a peace sign.

The second one was making a silly, stupid face.

And the last one is a photo of him kissing me.

I couldn't believe what just happened. Did he kissed me? Laurence was looking at me. I guess he realized what he had just done.

"I'm so sorry. I should of asked you first."

"No it's fine."

I face felt so warm.

We got out of the booth. I was still shocked from what happened. But Garroth finally came back with a hotdog.

Garroth asked me if I was alright right. I was but still shocked from what happened.

We decided to get a picture drawn of us from one of the people at the festival. I think it funny how they draw us with big beads and a small body.


Hi. Wow. I feel old looking back. But I don't expect people will be reading this cause they are already over Aphmau. Because I know I am. I just did this chapter cause I was bored. And why not. I promised someone I might do one more.
I can't believe I made this when I was in 7th grade. Now I'm in highschool. Oof. Im oooollllld!!!!

But hey add me on my Snapchat! I made a new one cause I hated my old name. 😂

That's a zero not a "o"
But HMU cause I got no friends!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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