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It was time for classes, so you were heading to your home room. While you were heading to your home room you bumped into someone.
"Hey watch it!"
"Oh sorry!"
"Wait you look familiar."
"What do you mean?"
"You look like someone I always have trouble with."
"Well his name is Aaron, and let's say me and him have a complicated thing with each other."
"Oh that's my brother, he can be kinda mean to others. I'm sorry what he did to you."
"No don't worry about it, I bet he had a hard life."
"Well it's complicated, but again I'm sorry now I have to get going before I'm late to class."
"Oh no just stay here for awhile more, let's get to know each other more."
"I'm sorry, but I really have to go!"
You walked away trying to go to your class, but the person grabbed your arm.
"Let go please!"
"Before you go let me introduce myself, and I will list you go."
"Ok fine, but make it quick!"
"Well my name is Gene, I'm part of a group called the Shadow Knights. I was wonder if you want to join?"
"Well hello Gene, I'm (Y/N), but is the Shadow Knights part of a rebellious thing?"
"That's what people think it's about, but we just don't agree with the school system."
"Oh ok, I'll think about your offer, um see ya."
You walked off going to your home room. You looked at your paper trying to find the room 202.
Oh why is this school so big? Maybe it's on the second floor.
You went to the second floor, but instead you found Aaron.
"Oh heeeyyy big bro!"
"Heh what do you want nugget?"
"I told you never to cal me that again!"
"Eh whatever."
"Grr well um Aaron, I'm lost can you lead me to room 202?"
"Sure, lets go!"
Aaron was heading the detection to room 202, but you just stood there putting your arms out.
"Ugh really (Y/N), do you want me to give you a piggy back ride?"
You nod your head yes, then Aaron picked you up heading to the room.

Two Minutes Later

"Ok we are here."
"Thanks for the ride."
"Eh your welcome."
"Well see you soon loser!"
"You too nugget!"
You headed up in room 202, and saw a familiar face. She was with a boy that had a white, silver hair. Also emerald green eyes.
"Oh hey (y/n), nice to see you again!"
"So who's your new friend?"
"Oh he's my not alone buddy, Travis!"
"Well nice to meet you Travis, I'm (y/n)!"
"It's n-nice to m-meet you (y/n)!"
"You alright? You look kinda red, and nervous."
"Oh I'm f-fine, it's j-just tha-"
"Did he just pasted out?!"
"I think so, go get help!"
"I'm on my way!"
Your were going to get helped, but Travis all of the sudden became back to concius.
"Travis is ok now!"
"Wait Aph what happened?!"
"You passed out while talking to (y/n)!"
"Did I really? Oh I bet she thinks I'm a weirdo now!"
"I don't, you seem cool to hang out with!"
"Did you call me cool?"
"Yea why?"
"No one ever called me cool."
"Well that changed now, but got to go!"
"Ok see ya (y/n)!"
You walked away, and started prepping for your next class. You decide in your free time you texted the group chat.

Y- Heeyyy!!!
Y-Guys I'm a bit nervous today....
Got any tips????!!!
G- Well you got to stay chill and relax.
L- Or you could even join a sport since that can get you popular.
Y- eh but do I really want to be popular? Guys it's me not Ivy!
G-true you are like that.
L-Well to bad (y/n).
L-because you get to miss out on our abs!!
G-haha and you will never see our six pack!!!
Y- for real guys, are you sure you mean a one pack.
G-What!? What do you mean?!
Y-I mean that those burgers and fries does not help your guys "Abs"
L- wait why did you do "Abs"!?
Y-hehe maybe!
Y-well I better head off it's almost time for our next class. Love ya guys!!
G-k see ya, and you too!
L- you too and bye!

You turned around, and saw this pink cat girl behind you. You were thinking how long was she standing there. She began fangirling and screaming saying how cute you are going to be with your future Senpai.
"Um excuse me but who are you!?"
"Oh hi Kawaii~Chan, but can I call you KC for short?"
"Yea that's what everybody call Kawaii~Chan!"
"Well I'm (y/n), and how long were you standing there behind me?"
"Long enough that you are going to get shipped!"
"Ship? Like a sailboat wise?"
"No ship, like putting people as a couple and saying that they are cute!"
"Is that a bit creepy to you!?"
"Nope not at all! Why would you say that?"
"Uh nothing."
"Ok but Kawaii~Chan totally ship you with Garroth~Kun, Laurence~Kun!"
"What why would you do that?"
"Because it's a cute thing to do!!!"
"But they are just my friends!!"
"No for real!"
You start to blush thinking about you and either Garroth or Laurence being a couple with you.
"Well Kawaii~Chan will make up a ship name for all of you guys, so stay there!"
"Oh my Irene I need to get out of here! I don't want KC to ship me with them!"
"Wait don't go!"
"KC they are just my friends!!"
"Then look at Kawaii~Chan and tell the truth!"
You start to get red thinking about them.
"I-I don't l-like them at a-all."
"Ok fine you caught me. Now what do you want."
"For real?"
"Ok but please promise me do not, and I mean do not tell anybody!"
"Kawaii~Chan promise."
"Ok thanks KC!"
"Your welcome!"
"Well it's time for second period. That's just great."

Aaron's Sister/ PDH Boys X Reader {DISCONTINUE}Where stories live. Discover now