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I gotta run. I just need to run away from them!
I can't let them catch me!

In my head I'm just thinking about running.
I won't and I can't let them catch up to me.
I already loss them when I went to my first and second class.

Sense it's now gym. They want me and Aaron.
Still kinda mad at him though for just bailing on me.

Well right now I'm just sitting alone, and being happy that I'm alone. Enjoying the view of people running on the track. I'm tracking to keep my head low so no one can find me.

I felt something tap on me. I choose to ignore just in case it's those annoying wolves.
It kept on tapping on my shoulder. I swear it's getting annoying.





I just exploded out of no where. I was just so mad, because it was so annoying.

"Oh I'm sorry miss, but you were sitting on my tail...."

Oh my irene I felt so bad. I just yelled at him when it was my fault.

"Oh I am so sorry. I didn't mean to!"

"Don't worry I'm use to it."

"What do you mean?"

"Because I'm the omega."

"So you are the om-
Uh I mean what is an omega?"

"It's the weakest and lowest of all the werewolves. I'm much like a runt to them."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's ok."

"Well it doesn't mean you can't have a friend."

"A what?"

"A friend!"

"Um ok?"

"Yes! Let me I introduce myself! My name is (y/n)!"

"Oh my name is Ein."

"Hi! I like your blue hair!"

"Uh heh thanks. I like you human smile."

"Uh heh trust me we are not that different."

Well I guess today isn't that bad. I made a new friend. I heard he was a bad guy, but he is really nice to me!

"So Ein, why do people dislike you?"

"I don't know. They say I'm evil. Like I want power or stuff."

"Haha you seem sweet!"

"Really? Thanks!"

"Yea, and it's not like you are gonna make slaves and trying to kill others."

"Uh why was that so pacific?"

"To be honest. That just came out."

Aaron's Sister/ PDH Boys X Reader {DISCONTINUE}Where stories live. Discover now