Freshman year

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(Y/N) Your name

Your POV
"Ugh... why.. school... it's... so... evil..."
Aaron sees that you are still in bed.
"Come on lil sis we need to get ready for school."
"NO! School is evil I don't want to go!"
"I'll make a breakfast pizza for you if you get up."
Aaron grabbed the sheets off of your bed, and laid on top of you. You tried to push him off, but he was just to big.
"Aaron get off of me!"
"Only if you get up."
"Oh my Irene you are such a fatty!"
"What did you called me"
Aaron starts tickling you until you actually got up. You went to get dressed, and you got ready. You went downstairs to eat the yummy pizza breakfast. You guys were done with breakfast, and walked to school. You and Aaron gave a last hug before going your separate ways in school. You decide to sit down by the fountain waiting for school to start. All of sudden you get a hug by someone. You turned around and see the recognizable face.
"I missed you!"
"Well we haven't seen each other in school for a year."
"Hmm yea. Well look now you're a sophomore, and I'm a freshman!"
"Haha ya, aye there's Garroth!"
You and Laurence watch Garroth while he bumped into a girl. A girl with black hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes.
"For real Laurence. Was that necessary?"
"It was (y/n), it was!"
He wrapped his arm around you, and held you closer to him. You could feel your face getting warm and red. As you guys watch Garroth and that girl talking. She was staring at him, and Garroth gave a awkward look.
"Hahaha! But are you ok (Y/N)? You're looking red?"
"Oh um I-it's nothing hehe."
Garroth came to you guys after that whole thing just happened.
"Hey guys! And (Y/N)! I'm so happy to see you again!"
"You too Garroth it's been awhile!"
Garroth gave a group hug, and you just felt that comfort that they gave you.
"So who was that girl?"
"Oh her? She said her name was Aphmau.
Why, you think she's cute Laurence?"
"What no i was just asking!"
"OHH you like her do ya?"
"Garroth no!"
"You do!"
"YOU DO!!!"
"Garroth I like someone else!"
"You do?"
"What no! Um I was uh just kidding!"
You just stared at them and gave a little giggle of how weird they were being.
"If you don't like her then who do you like?"
"Can we stop about this!"
"Not unless you tell me!"
"It doesn't mat-"
"Hey guys look!"
You pointed out that the Aphmau girl Garroth was taking about was getting picked on by the school's lil drama queen, Ivy. You got up and start to approach them. Garroth and Laurence were saying that you shouldn't get in the middle of it, but you didn't care.
"Oh and here comes (y/n)!"
Aphmau stood there in silence, and not wanting to get in the middle of it.
"Ivy leave this poor girl alone!"
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Do you really want to see!? Do you even know who I'm related with?!"
"Oh ya it's that delinquent boy, but whatever."
"Haha acting all tough."
"Grr. Well why are you picking on her?"
"Oh you see here is that this little man stealer was flirting with my man!"
"You have a man? Oh is it your mirror, sense only you will ever like you."
"What I'm not a man!"
"Your mustache says other wise."
You could hear Garroth and Laurence saying oooh, and laughing for that comment you gave.
"That was rude!"
"Eh whatever. Well who is this man?"
"Well you know him very well man stealer #1."
"It's Geeroth dummy!"
"Uh it Garroth IVY!"
"Eh well he's mine and you better remember that!"
"Then how come I see him hanging out with me, and not poor you?"
"Grr. Just whatever!"
Ivy and her gang left, and you felt like a champ taking on Ivy. You went to Aphmau seeing if she was ok.
"You ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine, and thank you for standing up for me!"
"You are very welcome!"
"Hi I'm Aphmau!"
"Well hello Aphmau! I'm (Y/N)!
"Nice to meet you (Y/N)!"
"I was wondering if you want to hang out with me and my friends! I know you met one of them!"
"Really who?"
You pointed at Garroth.
"Him the blondie boy! That's Garroth."
"Oh really"
Aphmau starts to blush.
"And over there beside him is Laurence."
"Wow you do have some cute. Wait I mean nice friends!"
"Haha everyone thinks they are cute. They are the hottest boys in the school."
"I could tell!"
"Well I don't they are just my friends."
You gave a little blush, and knowing you just lied to yourself and her.
"Thanks (Y/N) again for everything! I'm having a rough first day here. First a boy just bumped into me without saying sorry, and now that mean pink hair girl."
"Well stick with us and you'll be fine!"
"Wait I'm just curious what grade are you in?" "Well I'm a freshman so I'm new to this high school too!"
"Oh really me too!"
"Well Laurence told me all the grades will be mixed together."
"Oh does that mean older kids will be in my class?"
"Yes, even Garroth and Laurence. They are sophomores so we get to see them."
You bring Aphmau with you to go say hi to Garroth and Laurence. All of you guys had a friendly chat and enjoyed each other's company.
"Well guys I need to go!"
"Ok Aphmau see ya!"
"See you soon (Y/N)!"
"Now I need to go to class, See ya Laurence and Garroth!"
You walked off going in the school. You felt someone grabbed your hand, and pulled you giving you a hug. You looked up and see it was Garroth.
"See you soon in class (y/n)."
You felt stunned and warm when he was hugging you. You had a deep feeling inside but didn't know how to react. You walked into the school still this king about what had just happen.

Aaron's Sister/ PDH Boys X Reader {DISCONTINUE}Where stories live. Discover now