Siblings Rivals

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Aaron and I were sent to the principle. I did nothing wrong I mean it, but I know why we are here.

The principle started to see this pattern between Aaron and me. It's this rival pattern that we both have for these other siblings.

Ugh I don't want to say their names, but it's the
Scanlon brothers. Other in names Dante and Gene. Ughhh!

The principle thought if we all spend time with each other. We will become friends, and find things in common. Never in my life that I will find something in common with those people.

Aaron and I went to one of the classroom. This classroom was hold the four of us. Before we Aaron and I could go in. He wanted to tell me something.

"Ok (y/n), when we go in. I want you to stay behind me. I want you to also be close to me."

"I don't disagree with you on that. To me it's just they get so weird around me. It kinda scares me, but nothing will scare me!"

"That's nice to hear, nugget. I just like to be protective of you, so don't do anything thing stupid."

"I promise that I won't be you!"

"Haha very funny."

"Also Aaron. Don't overreact when something happens. You know what happens when you lose control of your emotions."

"Yes I know. That's why I got you here! Your the only person that can keep me calm."

"Well ok. Also I have to be here."

"Eh what ever lets go in."

When Aaron and I went in to the classroom. Dante and Gene both looked at me. They didn't care about Aaron. All eyes were on me. Them staring at me just give me the chills down my spine.

"Hey A jr!"

"Gene don't call me that anymore!"

Aaron started to get mad. It was worrying me. When ever Dante or Gene would interacted with me. He gets so feisty.

"Aaron calm down! Let me talk to Gene. In privately."

"Fine ok, but I swear if he touches you. I will destroy him."

"Ok that's sounds good to me."

I walked up to Gene. I didn't care about him, but I cared about what would Aaron do.
I'm trying to make everything and everyone safe here. That's going to be kinda hard though.

"Gene what do you want?"

"I want to say I am very sorry."

"Uh is this a prank?"

"No I'm for real!"

"Why should I believe you?"

"I understand if you don't, but please believe me on this. You don't make me feel how I wanna feel!"


"I don't know how I feel!"

"Maybe you self conscious is taking to you. It's making you feel guilty for whatever evil thing you did."

Aaron's Sister/ PDH Boys X Reader {DISCONTINUE}Where stories live. Discover now