Shadow Knights

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I can't believe I just joined the Shadow Knights! I'm not proud of it, but I'm only doing this for Aaron! Well I better head to class before I'm late.
"Uh, see ya Gene."
"Bye, new club member"
I just ran. I don't him to get any ideas, and start trouble by using me! How am I supposed to explain all of this to Garroth and Laurence?
Well hopefully they understand. Oh is that Garroth?

"Hey Garroth."
"Hi (y/n), what's wrong?"
"I know when something is on your mind!"
"You don't!"
"I do!"
"Well you are wrong this time!"
"(Y/n), please tell me the truth!"
"Ok fine."
"Tell me!"
"I joined the Shadow Knights."
"I'm sorry!"
"But your brother hates them! Why would you join them? You hate them to! I'm sorry (y/n), but I don't believe this. Who is forcing you to do this!?"
"No one. I'm only doing this for Aaron."
"What? What do you mean?"
"Aaron haves a girlfriend."
"Really, who?"
"Lily, from Ivy's gang."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"Yea, well I know she doesn't like him. She wants something out of him."
"What makes you say that?"
"It's Lily what do you expect?"
"Oh that's true."
"Yea, and Gene have some evidence that will help me!"
"Wait so you are making them break up?"
"Why did you think I joined them!?"
"Oh sorry, wasn't really paying attention."
"Wow ok, but Gene always have evidence."
"See this what makes him so evil!"
"Well, if I could go on his good side, I might get everything I need!"
"Well how are you going to leave when you get everything?"
"Oh I haven't thought of that. I'll just ask Laurence how he left them."
"You know it's won't be easy right?"
"When it comes to family, I will do anything for them!"
"Hmm Zane wouldn't do that!"
"Well he is just misunderstood, like my brother."
"But not tough like him haha!"
"What, you are so weird lol!"
"Please (y/n), don't become like them!"
"I promise!"
"For real, be true to your heart, and do it for Aaron!"
"I will, I don't want him to get hurt by Lily!"
"Ok, but will you still hang out with us?"
"Not as much, because Gene wants me to hang out with him a lot."
"Ok, well do you have to meet them now?"
"Yea, I'm sorry."
"No, it's ok! You should go now!"
"Ok see ya!"
"Bye, and stay safe!"
"I will!"
I can't believe I have to ditch class to meet them! Why can't they meet up when school is over? Aaron was right about them. They are evil, not misunderstood. Ugh I'm just going to walk now!

-5 minutes later-

Finally I found them. They were in this break room, in the hallways. Oh and of course they already started trouble. They just graffiti the school wall! Can they do anything right? Now I'm just going to talk to Gene. I want to see if he have any evidence.

"Um hey Gene."
"Oh hello new member!"
"Oh please don't call me that!"
"Well you need a nick name!"
"I'm good!"
"If you want what you want, you are getting a nick name."
"Ugh fine!"
"Hmm, how about A Jr. It fits you well!"
"Uh, what does that nickname suppose to mean? I don't get it."
"The A stands for Aaron, your brother!"
"Do you think I don't know that he is my brother?"
"Well just to remind you, and the Jr stands for you know what!"
"Yea, I am his mini me, but a girl."
"Ok, well let me introduce the club!"
"Ugh, fine."

He brings me to the two people. One of them was a girl, she had white hair, and purple eyes. The other dude had brown hair, and very black eyes. He also had a stupid hair cut, with an ugly smirk. Then he pointed at that girl. She didn't look to happy tho.

"So (y/n), this is Sasha!"
"Hey new member."
"Isn't she just so wonderful?"

I didn't say anything. To me it was better not to say anything. I don't want them to think of anything for me to get in trouble. Now Gene is pointing at the dude.

"And here is Zenix."
"Hey Girly girl."

Gene whispers in my ear. It was very weird tho. He was too close.

"Zenix is not bright, so he will be very annoying."
"Um it's ok."

He got done whispering to me. He grabbed my hand, and ditched his friends. He took me to his locker. Maybe he is going to give me the evidence.

"You want me to tell you about Lily, and Aaron?"
"Yes please, I know she up to something"
"Ok, wait A. Jr!"

I see him getting his phone from his locker. I'm so happy that I can actually prove something to Aaron. He brought out his phone and showed me a video. It was a video with Lily, and Ivy.


L- "Yes, I finally got to him!"
I- "now that you are dating him, what can we ask about (y/n)?"
L- " I don't know, but now we can get out revenge for her embarrassing you!"
I- "She didn't embarrass me! She was being a brat to me!"
L- "ok sure, but we could kick them out! We can expose them!"
I- "And Gare-Oth can finally be mine. We just need to get of that Aphmau girl, but that won't be hard!"

The video was over. Gene puts back the phone, and he had a smirk on his face. I did not care, because I have what I need! I CAN PROVE HIM WRONG!!!!

"Uh, calm down and your are welcome."
"No, I really mean it! I am sorry for calling you evil!"
"Uh, it's ok?"
"I will tell Aaron that you helped me with all of this!"
"Oh please do not do that!"
"To bad, I will!"

I was so happy that I just hugged him! I could not do it without him. Yea, he is bad, but he does have a good heart!

"Thank you Gene! I mean it for real!"
"U-uh your welcome again."
"Oh I'm sorry that I hugged you! I was just so happy!"
"No um, it wasn't bad I like it."
"Ok, well could I go back to class?"
"Yea, you can. I do not need anything now."
"Ok see ya!"

Aaron's Sister/ PDH Boys X Reader {DISCONTINUE}Where stories live. Discover now