His Sweater

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So I'm back to school. I'm just waiting in the mourning by the fountain. Thanks to Aaron, no one is talking about the whole Gene thing. Like Ew who would kiss him.

To be honest. I still wanna punch Lily, Garroth, and Laurence in the face. Hmm I'll do that later maybe.

I still have those werewolves around me. Man they can not get off my back! I'll just sneak out, and try to get away.


So I'm just going to look around see if I can make some friends. I see that i might need some new ones sense buttfaces don't have brains.

I was texting Aaron seeing if he was ok. He was texting that Shu girl a lot yesterday.

Y: Hey what's up bro?
A: nothin
Y: ok um who is this Shu girl? You been talking to her a lot and I mean a lot!
A: it's none of your business.
Y: what do you mean none of my business? I'm your sister!
A: ugh bye I need to go!

I don't know what's his deal! I just wanna know who is this lady he is talking to!



I freaked out, because I just hurt someone! I don't know who though! I guess I was so busy texting that I didn't see where I was going!

I looked to see who I hurt. It was a Mefwa. He had orange hair.

"Just watch where you going next time."

"Oh my irene I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok! I'm fine."

"Are you sure!?"

"Yes I am! Let me introduce myself, because we started out wrong. Hi I'm Kai!"

"Hey. I'm (y/n). Again I just wanna say sorry! I didn't mean to step on your tail!"

"It's ok! I shouldn't be sitting on the ground with my tail out."

"Uh friends I guess. To make everything up."

"Sure! Friends!"

Well that's nice to hear!"

"Wait aren't you Gene's girlfriend?"


"Haha no I'm just kidding!"

"Wow I hate you for that!"

"What! No one can hate me!"

"Well, someone do now!"

"That's mean I have to make you like me again!"

"Again? I didn't know you first!"

"True. Well now you will have to hang out with me!"

"What why?"

"Well first for steeping on my tail, and second to make us friends."

Aaron's Sister/ PDH Boys X Reader {DISCONTINUE}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя