Rescue her

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The blackness began to lift and Jessica became aware of her surroundings. Slowly she became aware she wasn't alone. She lifted her head and saw Nick and James standing with the name who she remembered was named Dawson. She went to rub her head when she noticed her arms were tied behind her. As she struggled with her bounds the three men turned to her.

James sat in the chair in front of her. "Well... Well look who is finally awake."

"Where am I? How long have I been out?"

Instead of answering her James slapped her across the face.

She felt the fire climb up her face to form the print of his hands.

"What do you want?"

"Payback! We were in jail because of you."

"You were in jail because of yourself."

Nick walked over and nicked Jess's throat with a knife.

"Because of you I lost Vida."

"You did it when you two acted like asses."

Dawson walked up and took the knife from Nick and leaned down and pressed the blade against Jess's stomach drawing blood.

She couldn't help it she screamed as the blade bit into her skin. She was scared. He could easily plunge that in and kill both her and her baby..


James tilted his head and looked at Dawson who was the exactly some as him then looked at Jess with an evil grin. Dawson eased up and handed the knife to James. James leaned forward.

"You do what we say and I make sure this knife doesn't slice your babies throat."

"Please leave my baby alone."

Nick look at James with a sneer. "Someone actually wanted you enough to get you pregnant."

Dawson pushed his brother. "We leave her and the baby be. Remember Lithera wants her alive."

Before James could answer Jess kicked out and kicked James in the groin. "She'll never get my baby. You all can go to hell."

James straighten and gave a small smile to Dawson. "Lithera wants the baby she didn't say about how she wanted her." He turned and punched Jess. Her head fell back as she lost consciousness.

He turned back to the brother. " Get everything ready for Lithera."

Meanwhile outside Duncan and the other stopped their horses a little ways from the cabin. On silent feet they made there way up. Duncan crouched behind the brush looking at the cabin in time to head James's statement.

Lithera? She must be the witch that has been trying to get their babies. And now they have Jess in there. She better be unharmed. 'Hang in there love. I'll have you out soon enough' he thought and tried to send the message to her.

He turned to Robbie and saw about to say what to do when the cabin door opened. James, Nick and a man he recognized named Dawson from his construction crew walked out. So that is how they got to her Dawson know everything about his house he help build most of it.

"What about the girl?" James turned to the man who was obviously his brother.

"Don't worry she'll be out for a while." He massaged his hand with a grin. "She had it coming to her. You stay. If she gives you any trouble." He handed Dawson a bloody knife. "Well you know her weakness. We'll be back soon."

They walked off as Dawson walked back inside.

Duncan was fuming and Robbie and Ian were having to hold him back. Duncan growled. "If they have hurt her or our baby there isn't a place in the universe were they could hide."

Once the other let him go he stood up. "I'm going in."

They nodded and Duncan crept up to the door and peeking in he saw the man leaning over Jess the knife in his hand. He eased in making sure there was no noise and closed the door. Dawson paid him no mind he leaned over Jess the knife trailing over her stomach. He was muttering to himself.

Duncan suddenly sprang forward and grabbed the man around the neck as he struggle Duncan snatched a look at Jess and wished he hadn't. There was blood all over her. With a growl her tightened his arms and gave the man's neck a twist. With a defining crack Dawson's struggled dies with him.

As Duncan squatted in front of Jess he had no remorse for the man he just killed. Not after seeing what they had done to her. Lifting a hand to her cheek he called to her.

"Jessica wake up love."

She lifted her head and opened her eyes. "Duncan?"

"Yes love I'll get you out of here I promise."

"You can't Duncan they will hurt you remember."

He didn't respond Duncan leaned forward and untied her hands and started to help her to her feet when a shout grabbed his attention. James launched himself across the room and drove his knife into Duncan's side.


Duncan fell to the floor. Jess felt like fainting because this was exactly what she saw in her vision. And just like her vision James turned on her with the bloody knife. She wimped as he walked closer the knife pointed toward her belly. Toward the little life inside her.

As she prepared to fight him off however she can the door burst open and cried out in relief as her family ran in. Robbie going straight to James twisted his arms and punched him hard in the face. As James fell there was a loud popping type noise. Robbie turned James over to see that he had fallen on the knife.

Jack had Nick who had pulled out a gun. He inched backward and to everyone's surprised grabbed Jess and help the gun to her head.

"Come any closer I'll kill her."

As he was backing away Jess noticed Duncan wasn't were he had fallen. He was okay! More then okay he was pissed. He came up beside Nick and turned the gun away from Jess. They struggled.

Jess turned but Robbie grabbed her and pulled her to his side were he and Matt flanked her protecting her. She tried to watch Duncan and Nick hoping that nothing else would happen. Robbie placed his hand on her cheek and forced her to turn her head and shielded her with his chest as she head a gun go off.


She struggled but Robbie wouldn't let her go. He half walked half dragged her outside.

"Duncan! Is he okay!"

Robbie finally let her go. When she turned she saw Duncan limping out of the cabin.


She ran to him and threw her arms around him. Duncan held on to her for dear life. She was never getting away from him again. Not ever again...

"Its over Jess you safe. They will never come back."

She looked up at him and understood the meaning behind his words. Nick was dead.

"I want to go home Duncan. Lets go home."

"We are."

"But you need to go to the hospital."

"I'll be fine Elizabeth and Aunt Libby are waiting for us. They knew we would come back injured they are there to tend to us."

He looked up as Alec came back leading their horses.

Robbie and Matt had to actually help him onto his horse with the wound to his side and leg.

Matt carried Jess on his horse. Jess looked back to see Jack and Ian set the cabin from her nightmares into blaze and the flames licked every inch of the retched place. She played her head on Matt's shoulder and sighed as they headed down the mountain...

Heading Home.

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