She's Gone! kidnapped!

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It was a little after 1:30 when Grace arrived, she and Grey where there with Michael and Libby. As the men grabbed the groceries they bought Grace and Libby went in.

"Jessica?" Grace looked around upstairs as Libby looked downstairs.

Grace walked back down and looked at Libby. "She isn't up there."

They walked to the hallway outside the living room and saw the books on the floor along with a white cloth on the floor. Libby pick up the cloth and sniffed it .


Grace jumped when Libby yelled then they heard the pounding of feet when their husbands came running in.

"What is it?"

Libby help up the cloth. "Its chloroform and we can't find Jess anywhere."

Grey leaned down to the books on the floor and touched something on the floor.

Grace looked down "Grey?"

He didn't look up. "Michael call Stone and Duncan and get them over here along with anyone else."

Michael ran off without question and Grace looked down. "Grey what is it?"

He finally stood up and pulled her in his arms as he looked down into her eyes. "Its blood Grace."

She gasped "Jess?"

"I don't know love."

He held her as she shook. Their new daughter was in trouble. Grey could feel it in his bones. He also knew that if whoever has her harmed a hair on her head he will kill them and hide their bodies.

Michael came back in with Libby, "Come on Grey sit down Libby gonna get you some coffee. Stone and the others will be here soon."They went and sat in the living room.

Ten minutes later Duncan ran in through the front door. "Where's Jess?"

Grey stood up and placed his hand on Duncan's shoulder. "Sorry son we haven't a clue where she is." He turned to Jack Stone who walked in. "Stone there is a little blood in the hallway and this."

He handed the cloth to Jack who sniffed, "Chloroform? Someone wanted her alive."

Ducnan turned on Jack. "Please tell me those two bastards that left her on the mountain are still in jail."

When Jack paled Duncan grabbed the scruff of his shirt and lifted him against the wall.

"You idiot you let them out when we knew they would come after her. They have her and I am sure that damn witch is behind it. How did they get out?"

"A woman she said she was a cousin to them. She signed them out. I wasn't there Duncan if I was I wouldn't of let them out."

Duncan let him go and turned to Grey. "We have a bigger problem. Jess had had a vision about Nick and James coming for her. She said they looked different and for what she told me it sounded like the witch that is after our children brainwashed them or something."

Grey's eyes narrowed on Duncan. "What else did she see?"

Duncan looked his uncle straight in the eye. "My death."

"WHAT?" Grace blanced.

Duncan lifted his hand. "She thinks it is my death. But it isn't, I figured out her visions. This is a trial we will have to face and in doing so I will be injured. Nothing serious one of those bastard will stab me in the side and I see in the other visions that I have a scare on my side so I know that we get through this. But I will need the help of my family."

Grey nodded. "You have it."

"I need you to stay here and keep this place ready and with medical equipment. As to my backup I need Robbie, Ian, Hamish, Jack here and Alec."

Jack nodded. "I have your back. Do you know where they are keeping her?"

"Yes. She showed me her vision thought she did not know I was this one. I remember the room it is the one in the little cabin. Daar's old one. No one is there and no one other then the family know about it. I think the witch told them where it was of they stumbled onto it."

Michael nodded. "You get ready I'll get everyone here."

Duncan walked up to their bedroom and stopped when he saw her nightgown on the foot of the bed. He picked it up and gently held it to his face as he breathed in her scent. God they better not of hurt her. Even from her visions he never knew if she was ever hurt or not. He laid the gown back on the bed and went to the closet and opened the safe that was installed into the back of the closet. He pulled out his rifle and his hand gun. Looking at it he had the sudden thought that maybe he should teach her how to use it. He closed the safe and headed downstairs. Robbie and the others were down there with guns and of course a sword or two. He felt a sword who be to honorable to the bastard who took his fiancé.

"They are up and Daar's old place."

Robbie nodded. "Uncle Grey and Papa has the horses ready for us."

"Lets go."

He lead the way out to were his uncles had horses ready for them. Grey fastened a blanket to one horse. "Just in case."

"Thanks Uncle Grey."

He nodded. "You bring my girl home got it?"

"Yes sir."

They mounted their horses and turning started for the top or TarStone mountain. Duncan looked called to the others.

"I have to go in first. Jess saw it in the vision I have to go in but I will be injured. Once I am the others with be focus on me to torture Jess. That's when you make your move. I don't want to give them a chance to hurt her..." He growled. "But who knows how long that have had her. I was suppose to protect her."

Robbie patted his shoulder. "We had no clue this could happen. But they couldn't of had her so long. I promise we will bring her home safe."

"I know we will but if they have hurt her I will kill them I swear."

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