Marry me!

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When they arrived at Gu Brath Jess was greeted with hugs. Grey walked up and gave her a bear hug that nearly cracked her ribs.

"Morning daughter! How are ye and the wee bairn?"

She smiled up at him and kissed his cheek."We're both fine... papa!"

Grey smiled and kissed her forehead. "Atta girl!"

She laughed and walked to the kitchen and hugged Grace.

"So... mama, "smile," what's up with another dinner?"

Grace smiled. "It is something special."


"You like the others with learn later,"

"Okay! You need any help?"

"No thanks dear but you could keep me company."

"Love too."

She sat down and when Grace asked how were things she told her about Leah spending the day.

When Grace and Jess talked in the other room Duncan stood with his dad, Morgan, and Greylen. He had the ring box in his hand shifting from hand to hand.

"I'm just nervous."

"No need son she loves you and you love her. Everything will be fine."

"I'm suddenly worried. What if she says no?"

Morgan laughed. "You lock in a cabin with you."

That helped Duncan laughed.

"I just hope she likes it."

Grey smiled. "I know she will."

They laughed as Duncan put the ring in his pocket. They walked back out as the kids ran in and gathered around Jess was sitting on the floor. One or two nestled in her lap as she smiled to them.

"Can we hear a story?"

The plead echoed with the others. So she told them a story she read from a book about a lady witch who sat by the pond when a frog came. The frog said she was on his land so therefore he could ask a request. That request was a kiss. The kids echo 'eww' but the smiled when she said the frog turned into a stunning, handsome, man. A male witch. He told her he will have his boon, a little girl asked what is a boon and smiled when she learned it meant favor, then the man pulled the woman to him and kissed her fiercely. Then they lived happily ever after in their castle in Ireland.

As the kids ran off Duncan smiled at her.

"Where did you hear that story?"

"It was in a book I read."

"Oh really?"


"You know there is a mini library in the office."

"In the barn?"

"No the room off the kitchen..... shot I forgot it's the only unfinished room."

"What's left to do?"

"Carl and some boy are there today finishing the book cases and to move in the desks along with the computers and everything.."

She stepped back. "You mean the 2 story square addition on the side?"

"Yes a two story office/ library. There is a spiral staircase to the second level. We'll go to the book stores later to get some books."

"Wonderful I have many I'll bye."

"Really what kind?"

"Romance of course. And of course some wonderful children books. I plan on reading to out wee bairn."

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