A part of the family

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They all sat there and talked for about and hour. Grace looked up. "Remember Duncan we have many people coming in today for the big get together tomorrow."

Jess looked up. "Get together?"

Grace laughed. "The summer solstice is tomorrow and we always have a dinner."

"Oh no! Maybe I would be better in the hotel."

"No... No dear. You are staying here." She smiled mischievously. "I get to play mother again with you and I am really enjoy it."

"But Grace I can't. I'm not family."

"No Jess you're invited. But there is one thing I would ask."


Grace laughed. "I would ask if you can move all your things into Duncan's room. If you don't mind I would like you to bunk with him for a few days."

Jess blushed and Duncan shifted in his seat his neck turning red. Grey barked out laughing. Charlotte smiled. "There wouldn't be a problem dear?"

Duncan laughed. "No it's not a problem."

Jess and Duncan went upstairs and moved her things over to Duncan's room. By time they made their way back downstairs people already started to arrive and settle in. Kenzie and his wife Eve took the room she was in. Jess and Duncan kind of gave each other space the rest of the day.

Jess was wondering what he was thinking but what woman alive knows what a man's thinking. But she spent her day in the kitchen with Grace, Charlotte, Winter, Eve, Mabel, Maddy and her daughter Sarah. Jess sat down Sarah playing cards. It seemed whenever they could Grace and Charlotte always had her play with a kid. But she didn't mind she loved kids.

"You know if you don't mind I would like to make something for tomorrow."

Grace smiled. "Like what."

"Well I am famous for my float away biscuit, and my red velvet cake. Whether it be with chocolate frosting or my vanilla frosting."

Charlotte smiled. "Really with these men we would need both."

"Let me guess they have a sweet tooth."

"Yep!" Grace looked up. "Why don't you get Duncan to take you to the store so you can get everything you need? So you can get back in time to get ready."

"Ready for what?"

"We all are going out to dinner."

Jess sucked in a breath and looked up. "Um... Is it possible for me to sit this one out?"

Grace walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder." Why dear?"

"I'm not a member of your family I feel like an intruder."

"You're not an intruder dear."

"But I am not a member of your family and I don't really know anyone."

Grace sat beside her and hugged her. "Why are you so nervous about being with the family?"

"I've never really been with a family I wouldn't know what to do. Could... Could I just stay here while you guys are gone? I could get to baking my cakes because they are suppose to refrigerated for about seven hours."

Grace sighed. "You could make them tomorrow. We want you to come. You'll meet more of my daughters tonight."

Jess looked down. "Is it possible you can give me a list to study while I am here tonight? Please."

Grace hugged her again."Alright dear, but I want your word on something."


"Tomorrow when everyone is here you are not to hide. I want you to walk around and talk to a few people in the family. I don't like that you feel like an intruder."

Winter smiled. "Fiona wouldn't think your and intruder. She woke up and called out auntie Jessie"

Jess's face went pale. "I'm not her aunt though."

"She thinks you are."

Jess gave a small smile and stood up. "I'll make that list and go and bye the things I need."

"Okay dear."

Jess grabbed a pen and paper and made the list she needed. When it was done she walked out and to the living room and smiled at Duncan.

"Duncan can you take me to the store please."

He jumped up with a smile. "Of course."

He lead her out and to his large truck. When she went to step on the running board he picked her up and sat her in the seat. He walked around and climbed behind the wheel. As he drove he turned to glance at her. "What ye needing at the store?"

"Just something so I can make a few things for this big dinner tomorrow."


Jess looked at him. "Duncan can I ask you something?"


"Why have you avoided me today?"

He took her hand and twined their fingers together and lifted their hands to kiss the back of hers. "I didn't mean to. My dad and uncle have had me to the side having a talk with me."

Jess giggled. "They gave you the speech didn't they?"

"Yeah, and I am sure my mother and aunt Grace did the same to you."


They laughed and Duncan slowed down and stopped in front of the store. They walked in and got everything they needed. Jess couldn't help but see two woman staring at Duncan. They glared at her when Duncan walked up to wrap his arms around her waist.

When they got into the truck she asked him. "Who were those two women?"

Duncan sighed. "Tia and her sister Carman, they are a fan club."

"What do you mean?"

"They are apart of fan club here in Pine Creek. Since at a time there were five of us MacKeage's Single. They wanted to see which ones would marry us. But now it is down to two. Me and my cousin Ian. Hamish is courting a woman named Susan and Robbie is married now so is Kenzie and William. Since I am building a house they are trying to trap me."

"Really?" Jess couldn't help but smile." Poor baby!"

Duncan gave a smiling glare. "Don't tease me woman. I don't have perfect control."

Jess faked a mock shiver. "Oh I'm scared. Someone save me the big bad highlander is going to get me."

Duncan gave her a wicked smile when they pulled in to Gu Brath. "Not get you lass." He leaned closer till their noses touch and when he spoke his lips moved barley touching hers. "But ravish you thoroughly."

She smiled she hoped out of his truck and grabbed a few bags from the back, Duncan grabbed the rest. Grace and Charlotte smiled as they entered. There was another woman there. When she saw Duncan she smiled and after he put the bags down she hugged him.

Jess sat her bags down and went to walk out when Duncan grabbed her arm. "Wait Jess."

She turned around and he smiled. "Jessica I'd like you to meet my sister Sadie and her husband Morgan. Morgan, Sadie this is Jessica MacGregor."

Sadie walked up and smiled and instead of shaking the hand Jess held out she hugged her. "It's wonderful to meet you."

When she was done hugging her Jess found her ribs nearly being crushed in a bear hug by Morgan. "It's an honor to meet ye lass? Welcome to the family."


Grace smiled. "You are apart of our family now dear."


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