Seeing the future

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Jess jerked awake sitting straight up in bed. Her breathing was hard and there was sweat over her body though she felt cold. She looked at the clock it was almost 4 in the morning.

"Everything okay?"

She turned and saw Duncan looking up at her. He sat up and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder.


Jess took a deep breathe. "Yes and no. It started out to be a good but strange dream. Then it turned into a nightmare when the witch came."

"Witch? Why don't you tell me about it?"

When she shivered Duncan pulled her back down to cuddle her against him. As he cuddled her to him he saw her lift a hand to settle on her stomach. It was a strange gesture he had seen only his pregnant cousin do when they felt their babies moving. With out a clue why he settle his hand over hers and as she looked up at him he swore he saw her glow of the promise of new life.


"In the dream..."

He guest the rest. "You were pregnant?"

She nodded and he kissed her forehead. "Go ahead and tell me the dream love."

She set her head back on the pillow looking at him as she spoke. "It started out I was in front of a large two story house with a wrap around porch. There was a garage on the side I could see a suburban and a large truck that said MacKeage construction. The dream moved around the house and I saw three little kids playing in the backward with three puppies. I knew right off the bat their names and age. The little girl was three and her name was Andriana Grace then there was the identical twin boys who was two."

She looked up at Duncan. "Their names were Jeffery Morgan and Callum Michael but everyone called him Cal for short. I watched as they played but then they stopped and looked toward the house. You walked out the back door and into the yard they yelled 'daddy' and tackled you. Andriana had asked why did mommy go to the doctor. You said to check on the baby and Jeffery asked how did mommy get a baby in her belly. But Cal then asked did the magic put the baby in momma's belly. You said yes."

She twined her fingers with Duncan's as she finished her story. "Andriana said mommy was home and I watched as another suburban pulled in and a pregnant woman got out. But then I noticed the woman was me. I watched as the kids ran to me and hugged me. I gave the kids kisses and you walked up and kissed me and all of us when onto the porch and we sat in the swing and you pulled up a chair. Cal asked what the doctor said and I told him he said I was okay and I went on to tell you all I was having a girl. Andriana or who we call Andy laughed."

She looked at Duncan the fear she felt in the dream showing in her eyes. "Things suddenly changed Robbie and Matt come and some woman appeared near the house. I walked out to ask what she want, she said my daughter Andy and the one I was carrying. Andy screamed and floated toward the witch and I don't know where it came from I watched myself lift my hand and lightning flew out and hit the witch releasing Andy. I told you Robbie and Matt to take the kids and protect them. You did and I turned back to the witch. I told her it wasn't nice to piss off mother nature."

She felt tears in her eyes. "The witch shot a fireball at me and I raised a hand and said something in a language I don't even know and the earth rose to create a wall to protect me. When the wall came down I sent more lightning toward the witch but she was ready she deflected it back to me but I could react fast enough and it hit my stomach right where my baby was and I woke up."

She felt the tears fall. "Duncan I think she killed my baby. I can't let her kill my baby."

Duncan held her at a lose for words. She had this dream that he himself liked in the beginning with them together and their children but the witch and her talking about magic worried him a little. He wasn't sure how to handle this. He was to tell no one about his magical history.

"I can't loss my baby Duncan."

"You won't I promise."

He held her tighter as she stopped trembling. He soon felt her calm down. She looked up at him.

"Sorry about that."

"No need love."

"You probably think I'm crazy."

"No I don't."

Jess settled back down and snuggled against Duncan, and he wrapped his arms around her. As she finally fell asleep Duncan looked at the ceiling. He story scared him a little. He was gonna talk to Matt and Robbie tomorrow about someone being able to see the future.

If so he needed to see if Jess herself is gifted... But with a sudden thought he settled his hand over her stomach. What if she was carrying his child and it was gifted and she somehow drawn from that magic.

With his hand still on her stomach he fell asleep his dreams filled with him and Jess and a baby girl in his arms.

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