New friends

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The next morning Jess woke up early. She hummed softly as she showered and dress, As she headed out of the bedroom she blew a kiss to the sleeping Duncan, then headed downstairs. She knew by Duncan's schedule he woke up at 5:30.

Because he ran his construction business and ranch be awake before anyone got there. She walked down to her new kitchen and started coffee. Getting the stuff out she fixed up a batch of biscuits. As she was getting the eggs out she heard a noise behind her.

She turned to see Duncan leaning against the wall a smile on his face as he watched her.



She sat her hands on her hips. "Your staring."

He slowly walked toward her. "I was just thinking how wonderful you look there."


"Yeah." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For showing me our children last night. Now I can't wait to hold each one of them."

She smiled. "We do have one anomaly though."

"Which is?"

"In the dream I remember seeing two barns you only have one."

Yeah?" He was confused.

"Well when I explored my dream I found the second barn smaller and now I know why."


"Because it housed my favorite horses. Falabella's." She laughed. "Where as you like the large ones I love the mini's as pets I'd hope we could have some."

"If you like."

Jess smiled. "Thanks. I know just how the barn goes."

Duncan laughed and on hearing a truck he sighed. "Here comes work."

"But your breakfast?"

"I'll tell Carl to wait."

Jess smiled. "Better yet invite him in I'll make you both breakfast."

"Okay love."

She turned to the stove and finish on the breakfast, frying bacon and scrambling eggs then some sausage. When she turned toward the island she saw Duncan, Carl ans another woman.

Duncan smiled. "Jess meet Leah, Carl's wife."


Jess smiled and shook her hand. "Hi."

Duncan sat down as Carl pulled a seat out for Leah, then sat beside her.

"Are you hungry I made breakfast for everyone."

Leah smiled. "We were in a hurry!"

Jess laughed. "Say no more." She filled 4 plates with food and sat down with everyone.

When they were finished Duncan washed the dishes.

"Hey Jess I didn't really want to leave you alone on your first day in the house so I asked it Leah would stay with you."

Jess laughed. "Oh that is wonderful." She turned to Leah. "I could use your advixe. You see like you I am pregnant."

Carl laughed. "Congratulations."

Duncan was smiling like an idiot. "Thanks."

Leah smiled at Jess. "Any ideas on the nursery?"

She giggled. "It's finished!"

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