Chap 27

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Erin POV

As I open my eyes, I jump up

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As I open my eyes, I jump up. Oh my gosh, I fell asleep. I FELL ASLEEP!!! I look at my phone and read the time. 4:30. We didn't go back to school! I'm in so much trouble. I read over the miss messages and calls

Dad 20 miss calls
Mom:10 miss calls
Dad🙃:Erin where are you????
Dad🙃:The school called and you weren't in your afternoon classes
Dad🙃: When you get home. Your in big trouble young lady
Mom☺️💕:Hey sweetheart. Are you ok? Please call or text me back. I need to know your safe.
Bestie Arra💋💍:Ummmm where the hell are you???? I thought u were coming back??
Bestie Ry Ry💕💍:Dont play with me right now Erin! Where are you???😡
Masonnnn🤓💚:Erin are you ok? Please be safe
Michael🙂💚:Yo E, where you at? everyone is worried. Call us

I take a deep breath in then out. I look to my side and don't see King. I quickly get up and rush downstairs. I see him and his mom talking.

"King-oh oh, hi" I say and wave. Wow she's very pretty.

"Hi, I'm Kings mom, call me Ms.Harris" she says and shakes my hand. I shake it back and smile. I then turn to King.

"King. I have to go home right now. I overslept and now my family is worried" I say

"Ok" he says and we walk to the door.

"Honey. I'll drive you home. I have a few stuff to pick up" Ms.Harris says and grabs her keys.

I hug King and kiss his cheek. As I pull away. He lightly pulls me back and kisses me. I kiss back and put my hand on the side of his cheek. We pull away and smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" he whispers

"Bye" I say and me and his mom walk to her car. I sit in the back seat. She starts the car and starts driving. She takes glances at me in the rare view mirror then speaks.

"So Erin, tell me about yourself" she said

"Well um, I'm a dancer. I dance every style. I'm Spanish and Filipino. And I'm 14 years old" I say slowly. She nods her and squints her eyes.

"I see. I'm just going to make this clear, I see how my son looks at you. He really likes you. But if you ever hurt him. I will hurt you little girl. My son means the world to me and I don't want some girl coming into his life ruining things. So you treat my son right. Do you understand me" she says. I instantly get scared and my hands start to shake.

"Y-Yes Ma'am" She then puts her focus back onto the road. Soon enough we reach my house and I instantly get out

"Thank you Ms.Harris. Have a good day" she nods and drives off. I run into the house and quickly close the door. My parents walk in and my dad looks a bit mad

"Young lady where have you-" I cut him off by rushing into his arms

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was at a friends house and I fell asleep. I promise it won't happen again. I love you. Your the best father in the world. Please don't be mad" I say fast. He sighs and hugs me back. I rush up to my room and close the door. Thank the lord that went smoothly. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes.

My room door then opens and someone sits beside me. I turn my head and see my mom.

"Let's have a talk" she says and I sit up

"So, who was this friend" she asked. I sighed and decided to just tell her everything

"....It was King. I'm sorry mom. Don't worry we didn't anything together, we were talking and then we were laying down and I fell asleep" I say to her

"Baby please don't do that ever again. You gave me a heart attack. On top of that you didn't tell anyone where you were going" she says sternly

"I know mom. It'll never happen again" I say and she nods.

"It better not. Erin Cmon, you know better. Don't you ever leave school with a boy ok?"

"Ok mom" I say and she gets up and leaves. I sighed. What am I gonna do? I'll just send a quick a text to everyone saying I'm ok.

De'Arra POV

As I was feeding Kenelle some apple sauce, my phone goes off

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As I was feeding Kenelle some apple sauce, my phone goes off. I look at it and see a text from Erin. Thank god she's ok. I was home by myself babysitting as my mom runs a few errands, and my dad, Well. I don't know where he is actually. They'll be back later.

Once I finish feed Kenelle, I give her some water and take her out her chair. I carry her to the living room and put some cartoons on. She sits down and watches it. I pull out my phone and text Michael

Arra😽💍: Babeeee could you come over?

Michael❤️💍: I would. But I'm playing video games with Mason

Arra😽💍: Aww that's cute. Ok I won't bother your bonding time.

Michael❤️💍: Dw I'll come later. I'll spend the night with you

Arra😽💍: ok I'll see you soon. Love you

Michael❤️💍: Love u more😘😘

I smiled down at my phone. Still can't believe he's mine. As I looked down at my phone. I feel someone tug my arm

"Arra I tired" Elle says. I hold her and walk upstairs. As I'm carrying her, I feel her get heavy on my arm. Which means she fell asleep. Once I get to her room, I lay her down and cover her with her blanket. I close her door and head to my room. I look around and spot the little baggy of weed. I need to get rid of that. I grab it putting it in the garbage and covering it up with tissue.

I lay down on my bed and feel my eyes get heavy. A little nap wouldn't hurt.

To Be Continued

Our Life (Sequel to Love Me Again) Kenneth San Jose StoryWhere stories live. Discover now