Chap 23

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Danielle POV

1 week later

It was now Sunday and what can I say

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It was now Sunday and what can I say. This week went really well. De'Arra likes her school and I've been teaching more classes this week and had a few modeling shoots. Plus me and Kenneth have been doing good. Last night he took me out to dinner. We didn't argue, just had a good time. No we are not dating. Just living in the moment. I don't think it will last long.

As I'm on my computer answering back emails, I feel someone's warm body heat wrap around me. I glance up and see him. He leans down and gives me kisses on my neck.

"Kenneth stopppp. That tickles" I giggle and smile. He kisses my cheek and takes a seat beside me.

"What are you doing?" He asks

"I'm answering back some emails" I say. I then open this one email saying they have a store on sale. You know, I always wanted to own my own clothing line. I mentioned it to De'Arra when she was younger and she said she would wanna own it with me. Maybe when she gets older she would take over for me. I haven't thought about it in a while. I might consider it.

"What are you thinking about?" Kenneth asks bringing me out of my thoughts. He knows me so well.

"I want to start a clothing line. You know like make clothes for women" I say out loud. I look at him and he seems a bit shocked.

"Really? What makes you want to do it?"

"Well when De'Arra was young I thought about. I shared it with her and she wanted to do it with me. But I haven't thought about it in years. I opened my email and saw someone was selling there store. Do you think I should do it?" I say and he nods.

"Well it seems pretty big. But I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you can do it" I smiled at him and sigh.

"Ok, I'll email them back saying I'm gonna buy the store" I start typing, while I'm typing I think. Can I really do this?

Kenneth phone then starts to go off. He looks at it and sighs. Her then gets up and grabs his jacket.

"Where you going?" I ask

"I have to meet up with someone. I'll see you soon" he says and leaves. Hmmm I wonder who.

De'Arra POV

I was with Ryanne at her house just chilling

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I was with Ryanne at her house just chilling. Erin was at contemporary class with Mason, and Michael was hanging out with his friends he met at school. When everyone is done what there doing, we decided just to meet at class tonight.

"Sooooo Ry, how do you feel about our first week?" I ask sitting in a circular pink fluffy chair that hung from her ceiling.

"Well it was ok. The teachers are pretty cool. But the cafeteria food sucked butt" she comments laying on her back and hanging her head from the side of the bed. I laugh at her comment about the food. It was pretty bad.

"How about you?"

"Well it could've been better. Big K is on our case every second just staring at Michael and I" I roll my eyes

"Ya speaking of Big K. Who is this guy and what's his deal?" She asked slowly getting up and siting straight up

"Me and him used to do bad things years back. And he was friends with Michael but they fought, they never liked each other since" I say to her and she nods

"What if they fight again?"

"Then it'll just make things worse. I'm pretty sure Michael is smart enough to not start things up again. Plus I'm trying to leave his little group, so fighting will only make things worse" I lay back and spin the chair. I should get one of these.

"Well hopefully you leave his group and everything goes back to normal. But if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go get my baby brother" she gets up and sprints out the door. Ever since Ryan was born Ryanne has barley left his side. She even makes him sleep beside in her room sometimes. Words can't explain how much she loves him.

Ryanne POV

I walk into my parents room to see them in conversation

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I walk into my parents room to see them in conversation. I see Ryan laid on the bed on a blanket. I instantly smile.

"Hey Bug" I say to him in a sweet voice. Bug is a nickname I made for him recently. I've been calling him it since.

"Hey honey. Are you and Arra hungry? I can make you guys something to eat" My mom asked. I shake my head and keep my eye on Ryan

"Nah we're good. I just came in here to get this little guy" I say and hold him up to my chest. He smiles at me and I kiss his forehead.

"Ok princess. Be careful with him ok. Remember he's only a few weeks old" My dad says and I nod. I leave and head back to my room to see Arra scrolling through Instagram on her phone.

"Hey Ry, Ocean texted me. She wanted us to hang out with her tonight but I told her we have class, I asked her if she wanted to join us" she said and I lay Ryan down on my bed. He just stares at me and sucks on his pacifier.

"Cool, what'd she say?" I ask her

"She said ya she'll come" she then puts her phone down and comes towards Ryan. She moves her finger towards him and he grabs it.

"Do you remember when Kenelle was born?" I ask her. She smiles and plays with Ryan

"I could never forget. When of the happiest days of my life. She's the highlight of my mornings" she laughs a bit. We both stare at Ryan.

"It feels good to be a older sibling. They could really piss you off sometimes but at the end of the day your there for each other" Arra says. I nod and think about all the things I get to do with Ryan. I could teach him so much.

"Let's watch a movie I'm bored" I say. We both sit on each side of Ryan and I turn on Netflix. We'll just watch movies till it's time to go to class.

To Be Continued

Our Life (Sequel to Love Me Again) Kenneth San Jose StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora