Chap 13

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De'Arra POV

As me and Michael walk home, we hold hands

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As me and Michael walk home, we hold hands. Our date was so much fun. We played mini golf and went for dinner. I really enjoyed my time with him. We both agreed next time we'll just go to the arcade or sky zone because we're not really into the fancy stuff.

As we reached my door. We hugged and pull away.

"I had fun today"he says giving me his cute smile

"Ya me too" I say smiling. It was then silent for a few moments till he broke it.

"Look De'Arra, you know I don't really do this stuff and I'm not the type of guy to date. But I really like you and like being around you. So what do you say, can you officially be mine?" He asked and I gasped covering my mouth. I nod then we hug. Yayyyy! We're finally dating. I'm his girlfriend?! And he's my boyfriend!

We then pull away slightly. We lean in and kiss. This kiss is way better then any other kiss we had before. Fireworks and all those amazing feelings were going off in me and I was so happy. Our lips move together and his grip around my waist gets tighter. Not to tight though. This kiss was slow and loving.

We slowly pull away and we smile.

"Bye gorgeous" he says and I wave. I walk inside then do a happy dance.

"Hey honey. Your finally home. Mason told me you and Michael went on a date. Come tell me how it went" my mom says excitedly and pushes me to sit on the couch. As I tell her from the golf game to the kiss on the porch I say in the back of my head, I'm so gonna kill Mason for telling her.

After I tell her everything she squeals and shakes me. I laugh and give her details about the kiss.

"Omg honey I'm happy for you. Ugh yes! I can't believe this" she says obsessing and I smile at her. I'm glad I can tell her about this kind of stuff

"I'll tell your father tomorrow morning but I won't give to much detail about the kiss. I don't want his head to twist" she says and I nod

"Ugh honey. I'm proud of you. Your getting older now, your birthday is coming up. You'll fall in love then leave me home alone. " she says looking down.

"Don't worry mom. I'm not going no where. Literally, I can't make it out this world without you " I say and she laughs. She then sends me to bed and I head to my room. I take off my makeup and lay in bed. I then text Ryanne telling her all about it. As we finish our conversation I feel my eyes close and I fall asleep.

Tati POV

Hours later(2 am)

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Hours later(2 am)

As I check the time on my phone I see it's 2 am in the morning. Where is Gabe? He should be home sleeping beside me in our room. I get up and put my robe on along with my slippers. I walk out the room and head downstairs to the kitchen. As I walk to the fridge I see Gabe sitting at the counter table with his face in his hands. I start to feel bad about everything and walk over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me.

"Gabe" I say lowly not wanting to wake the kids


"Come to bed please" I say and he shakes his head. I guess I have to be the bigger person and apologize first.

"Look Gabe, what I did was wrong and I'm sorry for what I did. I just don't get why all this made you so mad. Cmon baby, talk to me. You know I'll always listen" I say and he turns to me. I stand in between his legs and hold his hand.

"It's just........shes my daughter. I love her to much to see her love someone else and then get hurt. And in this generation these kids are different. Getting body piercings, dating older boys, tattoos, drinking, especially smoking. Plus everything is on social media. Erin is always into social media and I just don't wanna see her turn out like those kids. Especially if she falls for the wrong guy, it'll break my heart seeing her cry over some boy. I just don't wanna see her get hurt. It's my job to always protect her and keep her safe. She's my little girl and it's hard seeing her grow up so fast" he says and my heart melts. All this time I thought he was being unreasonable. Turns out, he was just trying to look out for our little girl.

I hug him tightly and give him a soft kiss.

"Aww baby. It's so sweet that your looking out for her, but she is getting older and there will be times where she likes someone and wants to date. And we'll make sure that she doesn't turn into those other kids. And if she happens to be with someone and gets hurt, we'll both be there to comfort her and make her happy and you'll be there to beat the boys ass" I say and we laugh.

"I guess your right. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just mad. I promise to never do that again. Well until Aiden gets to those stages of being a troublemaker" he says laughing a little then looking down. I pick his head up so he looks at me.

"It's ok. Tomorrow you'll talk to her and she'll understand. I love you so much Gabe"

"I love you more Tati" he says and we kiss. Our lips move together and my arms go around his neck and his lay on my hips. He smiles into the kiss making me pull away.

"Ok let's go upstairs and go to sleep" I say and hold his hand, he nods and we quietly go up the stairs. We walk into our room and he changes into sweats and takes off his shirt. I take my robe off and walk towards the bed.

"Damn, can I get a piece of you before we go to bed" he says wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk planted on his lips.

I was wearing shorts with a PINK sports bra and my hair in a bun. I roll my eyes and give him the same smile. I then lay on top of him. I peck his lips and whisper.


To Be Continued

Hey guys it's Lala❤️

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