Chap 4

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Continuing of last chapter

Danielle POV

As I hug Kenneth I hear the backyard door open, we pull away and look

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As I hug Kenneth I hear the backyard door open, we pull away and look. We see the whole squad walk in. My face lights up and us girls let out a loud scream. We run towards one another, embracing each other with a big group hug. I missed my girls.

"Ahh I missed you guys so much" Bailey says and a tear runs down her face.

"Bails don't cry your gonna make me cry" Boogie drags out, fanning her face.

"Ugh you guys are a crying mess now your gonna make me cry" Tati says and she starts crying. Soon I start crying and we all hold on to each other tightly.

"Ugh you girls are such cry babies"Will says rolling his eyes.

"Suck my toe Will" Kaycee says to him and we laugh. Then we hear the door open again, we look towards it and it is Tahani and her 4 year old twins Kayden and Jayden. We scream again and bombard her with a hug.

Kayden and Jayden⬆️

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Kayden and Jayden⬆️

"Hey guys. Long time no see" she says. We then pull away and see the boys group hug. We "awwwe" and they pull away rolling there eyes. I go hug the boys and the girls bombard Kenneth with hugs.

When I finish hug them, I'm bombarded by hugs. I look down and see all the kids. Ryanne, Aiden, Erin, Mason, and Micheal.

"Hey Aunt Dani!" They say and I laugh hugging them all back.

"Hey guys. I missed you" I give them all kisses on there heads.

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Our Life (Sequel to Love Me Again) Kenneth San Jose StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu