If Mei found Yuzu's letter pt 39

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if the roles were reversed.....

After meeting with Lisa, Mei felt more confident then ever to marrying Yuzu, she was ready more then ever to give Yuzu her life

Mei went shopping to surprise yuzu when she got home, she went to one of those stores that girls go to when they want to surprise their lovers and such

she knew yuzu would be home just a tad late from work so she brought four different outfits so things can really get hot

she paid for the outfits and went back to the apartment

to her surprise yuzu was home distracted by cooking a grand meal, so she hid the clothes in the hallway closet and took a shower to relax

Yuzu didn't notice mei had came home with a very large bag of clothing, she was so focused on making dinner perfect she hadn't noticed what mei was doing

she was following the cooking steps carefully adding everything in one by one, she grabbed some plates and cups since it was going to be a family dinner meaning gramps was visiting again to talk about their wedding which Yuzu grew used to

she had to suck it up and grin and bare it, she set up the table carefully, professionally

Mei finally finished taking her bath, she saw a note from her parents stating that their grandfather was coming over for a family dinner to discuss important matters

she went directly to their room to get changed and do her hair

Yuzu finished setting up the table for the family dinner, everything was perfect and in place, she looked at the time

"I better take a shower before everyone gets here, i have to look my best even if it's for a while, i have to make a lasing impression on gramps."

she grabbed her bath things after seeing mei naked, she blushed dark red

"M-mei i didn't know you were home and naked, I guess you saw the letter from our parents about gramps coming to visit. He wants to discuss the wedding and stuff. "

Mei blushed

"I know he does, we will just tell him we have everything under control and that this wedding will be grand. 

We are mature responsible adults who can decide things for ourselves. You were distracted by cooking i didn't want to bother you."

Yuzu blushed

"Well i made a big meal since gramps is visiting, i made it special and professional,I am future co-chairwoman of the academy. I will teach you how to cook some more during the week. We are to be married after all."

she went into the shower to relax before everyone came, Mei's body always caught Yuzu's attention she blushed thinking about it

she washed her body carefully letting the hot water consume her soul

she washed her long silky hair

Mei saw how fancy the dining area was for their family dinner, she smiled at all the food Yuzu prepared and cooked

she heard the door knock and she answered it.....

if mei found Yuzu's letterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon