If Mei Found Yuzu's letter pt 8

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If Mei found yuzu's letter pt 8

If the roles were reversed

Yuzu and Lisa were completely obsessed with each other and always wanting to spend time with each other

Lisa went over to yuzu's apartment with a smile

Yuzu opened the door with a blush

"Morning Lisa. Ready to go to work? We can walk there together. My shift doesn't start until 3."

Lisa smiled

"It's my day off today, I want to spend time with you before you go to work. I know it's too early."

Yuzu smiled

"It's never too early for you. You came at a good time. Come inside."

Lisa came inside sitting on the couch turning on the tv

"She must be a very lucky girl to be getting married. She is inheriting some school that belongs to her family. She is like what 19?"

Yuzu was making tea for them both

"Who are you talking about babe? Who is inheriting a school?"

She looked at the news and saw mei and her former boss from the cafe

Her throat went extremely dry when she saw mei on the TV talking about the arranged marriage to yuzu's old boss from the cafe

She grabbed the remote and shut off the tv and sighed of relief not seeing mei's face

She looked at Lisa with the most apologetic look on her face

"I am sorry for that lisa. I didn't mean to shut off the TV like that."

Lisa grabbed yuzu and hugged her

"You know that girl don't you yuzu? That's why you shut it off. Was she important to you? Be honest with me."

Yuzu broke down and cried

"She was important to me. It's a complicated situation. I don't want to burden you with it. I am running from it because I don't want it to affect what we have.

I am happy and stable with you. I don't feel restricted or worrying about rules with you. I feel very comfortable and secure with you lisa."

Lisa kissed yuzu's lips to calm her down

"I am your girlfriend yuzu. I will listen to whatever you have to tell me. I will try to help you with whatever you are running from.

I am here for support. We are dating. Lay it on me. Tell me whatever is on your mind."

Yuzu pulled away from the kiss looking deeply into her eyes

"If you are willing to listen, I will explain properly. "

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