If Mei Found Yuzu's Letter pt 10

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if Mei found Yuzu's letter part 10

If the roles were reversed...

Yuzu put her hair up in her classic two ponytails ready for a tough battle ahead of her

she grabbed her bike riding like a mad woman to the other side of town where it all started, Her love for Mei had to be saved, She would do anything to get her back, Yuzu was on a mission of power and love

she wasn't going to let the girl she loved for so long be married to someone else just because gramps wants her to

she made it back to the academy seeing how normal it, she drove her bike home, to her old home where she shared a bed with Mei hoping she wasn't too late

once she opened the door to the apartment, everything was the same as she left it

she went directly to her old room and there was Mei in all her glory hugging the pillow Yuzu used to sleep on, Tears were flowing down her cheek

Yuzu went over to mei shaking her a bit

"Mei i am back, I have returned home."

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