If Mei Found Yuzu's letter pt 13

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If mei found yuzu's letter pt 13

If the roles were reversed

Mei got out of bed after being in yuzu's arm most of the morning, she noticed that yuzu didn't have her ring, she saw yuzu brushing her teeth

"Yuzu what happened to the other ring? We had matching rings didnt we?

What happened to your half?"

Yuzu almost choked on her tooth brush while brushing

"You will be mad at me if I told you."

Mei blinked

"What happened yuzu?"

Yuzu blushed

"I got drunk at a bar and I was very very mad at you for alot of things, I threw the ring out in the trash because we were over.

I didn't think I was ever going to come back here."

Mei blinked

"Well we will have to fix that yuzu. I can't believe you threw out your part of our matching rings. We will have to get new ones. The exact same ones. This time you will wear it."

Yuzu blinked

"What about your wedding? Arent you getting married?"

Mei blinked

"I can still inherit the academy but with the lover of my choice.

You will change your name back to aihara and apologize to grandfather. "

Yuzu blinked

"Why should I apologize mei? He doesn't like me.

You know he doesn't. He wouldn't allow us to get married.

He would drop dead first before letting you marry me."

Mei pulled her shirt collar

"Leave everything to me. I have a plan."

She kissed her lover's tooth pastey lips romantically

Yuzu blushed kissing her back

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